The Rise of Silas Lapham Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rise of Silas Lapham Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the Laphams is happiest about the Coreys' dinner invitation?
(a) Silas.
(b) Penelope.
(c) Persis.
(d) Irene.

2. Which of the following statements does not describe Penelope's opinion of the novel she and Tom Corey discuss?
(a) The characters in the book behave sensibly.
(b) The heroine shouldn't let another girl have her beloved.
(c) She wonders why novel characters don't act reasonably.
(d) The heroine sacrifices her happiness and the hero's.

3. What subject does Persis urgently need to discuss with Silas in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) Tom Corey, Irene, and Penelope.
(b) Zerilla Dewey.
(c) Her health.
(d) The family finances.

4. To where does Persis Lapham take Irene at the beginning of Chapter Twenty?
(a) Paris.
(b) Rome.
(c) The family farm in Vermont.
(d) London.

5. Who does Persis Lapham find crying in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) Irene.
(b) Penelope.
(c) Tom Corey.
(d) Nanny Corey.

6. What advice is given to Silas and Persis Lapham at the end of Chapter Eighteen to handle the situation with Tom Corey?
(a) To force Tom to marry Irene.
(b) To let Penelope have Tom so only Irene suffers.
(c) To fire Tom from the paint business.
(d) To take Penelope and Irene far away from Tom.

7. Who drinks too much at the Coreys' dinner party and begins to brag as a result?
(a) Irene Lapham.
(b) Charles Bellingham.
(c) Miss Kingsbury.
(d) Silas Lapham.

8. With what does Persis Lapham worry Irene will wear herself out?
(a) Grief.
(b) Work.
(c) Exercise.
(d) Sewing.

9. What novel do Tom Corey and Penelope discuss when Tom sees that Penelope is reading it?
(a) Middlemarch.
(b) Little Women.
(c) Tears, Idle Tears.
(d) Pride and Prejudice.

10. What does Irene buy at the apothecary?
(a) A powder to help her sleep.
(b) Medication for an upset stomach.
(c) Medication for depression.
(d) Aspirin for a headache.

11. When Silas Lapham visits his new house, what does he do there?
(a) Takes a nap.
(b) Reads a book.
(c) Has trysts with Zerilla.
(d) Builds a fire to try the chimney.

12. What is Silas Lapham's response when Persis asks him who Mrs. M is?
(a) He says it's an employee.
(b) He says it's his girlfriend.
(c) He says it's an old school friend.
(d) He says he doesn't know what she means.

13. Why does Silas Lapham decide not to sell his new house?
(a) He decides to buy out the West Virginia company instead.
(b) It symbolizes his success.
(c) He likes the house.
(d) He thinks Persis likes the house.

14. With whom is Irene staying in Dubuque?
(a) Silas Lapham's brother, William, and his family.
(b) Her maternal grandparents.
(c) An old school friend.
(d) Her paternal grandparents.

15. Which of the following statements does not describe Silas Lapham's interactions with Zerilla Dewey and her mother, Moll Millon, in Chapter Twenty Three?
(a) Zerilla needs help dealing with her drunken husband.
(b) Moll Millon demands money from Lapham.
(c) Lapham tells Zerilla's husband to find work.
(d) Zerilla and Moll take Silas and Persis out to lunch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Irene the truth about Tom Corey's feelings for her?

2. How do Bromfield and Anna Corey respond to the news about Tom's romance?

3. What novel do the guests at the Coreys' dinner party discuss?

4. How long does Silas Lapham give Milton Rogers to produce the parties who Rogers claims want to buy the mills?

5. Which of the following statements is not a way Tom Corey describes the Lapham girls to his mother?

(see the answer keys)

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