The Rise of Silas Lapham Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rise of Silas Lapham Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Irene refuses to join Tom Corey and her family for tea in Chapter Six, what is her mother's reaction?
(a) Persis insists that Irene join everyone in the parlor later.
(b) Persis forces Irene to join everyone for tea regardless.
(c) Persis slaps Irene.
(d) Persis locks Irene in her room.

2. In Chapter Five, what business does Tom Corey tell his father he wants to go into?
(a) Real estate.
(b) Banking.
(c) Lapham's mineral paint business.
(d) Law.

3. In Chapter Nine, who thinks the Lapham family is below the Corey family?
(a) Tom Corey.
(b) Irene Lapham.
(c) Silas Lapham.
(d) Bromfield Corey.

4. Where does Tom Corey visit his mother and sisters in Chapter Six?
(a) Bar Harbour.
(b) Philadelphia.
(c) Cape Cod.
(d) Florida.

5. Which relative has Tom Corey consulted in addition to his father about the merits of joining Lapham's mineral paint business?
(a) His maternal grandmother.
(b) His paternal grandfather.
(c) His maternal Uncle Jim.
(d) His sister nanny.

6. To where does Silas Lapham want to take Bromfield Corey for a fish dinner?
(a) His home in Nankeen Square.
(b) Tafts.
(c) His Vermont farm.
(d) A French restaurant in Manhattan.

7. How old is Silas Lapham in Chapter One?
(a) Twenty-two.
(b) Forty.
(c) Eighty.
(d) Fifty-five.

8. What does Anna Corey think of her son going into Lapham's mineral paint business?
(a) She finds the idea distasteful.
(b) She thinks his father should do the same.
(c) She prefers he start his own company.
(d) She supports the idea.

9. What kind of gambling does Silas Lapham tell his wife he has been doing in Chapter Ten?
(a) Playing roulette.
(b) Playing poker.
(c) Betting on horses.
(d) Playing the stock market.

10. What subject does Tom avoid while talking with his mother in Chapter Eight?
(a) Penelope Lapham.
(b) Traveling to Europe.
(c) Working for a living.
(d) Irene Lapham.

11. Which of the following statements is not a way Tom Corey describes Silas Lapham to his father?
(a) He's simple-hearted and wholesome.
(b) His range of ideas is limited.
(c) He brags about being able to spend money.
(d) He is intelligent and articulate.

12. After giving Tom Corey a history of the paint, where does Silas Lapham suggest the young man come to finish their business talk?
(a) Bar Harbor.
(b) The Lapham cottage in Nantasket.
(c) A restaurant in downtown Boston.
(d) New York.

13. What does Irene ask Tom Corey to suggest for the new room in the Laphams' Beacon Street home?
(a) A piano.
(b) Furniture.
(c) Art work.
(d) Books.

14. What does Anna Corey wish her son had done instead of join Silas Lapham's paint business?
(a) Get married.
(b) Write a novel.
(c) Join the army.
(d) Take a European tour like Bromfield did in his youth.

15. Why does Bromfield not think Tom will stick with the paint business long?
(a) Silas Lapham will likely get on Tom's nerves.
(b) Silas Lapham will likely be displeased with Tom's work.
(c) Tom tends to lose interest in things after a short while.
(d) Tom is allergic to paint.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which member of the Lapham family has been reading the novel Tom Corey sees on the Lapham parlor table?

2. In Chapter Two, who sends Persis Lapham a lithographed circular soliciting for donations to a charity?

3. Why does Bromfield Corey think rich girls would offer his son a greater chance at a quiet life than poor girls?

4. Why does Penelope Lapham think Tom Corey and Irene Lapham need to spend more time alone?

5. What does Persis Lapham do for a living before she marries Silas?

(see the answer keys)

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