The Revisioners Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Revisioners Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ava thinks to herself that whenever she is "about to see [her] mother," her what "wobbles" (50)?
(a) Courage.
(b) Self-acceptance.
(c) Faith.
(d) Heartbeat.

2. When Gladys comes to visit Ava and King for the first time at Grandma Martha's, what object does Ava put in the living room?
(a) A dish of candy.
(b) An ashtray.
(c) A dish of wheat germ.
(d) A photograph.

3. What does Eliza's mother Cyrile do for work?
(a) She is a teacher.
(b) She is a nurse.
(c) She is a lawyer.
(d) She is a washerwoman.

4. When the narrative opens, what major change are Ava and King in the midst of making?
(a) They are planning to open a school.
(b) They are moving.
(c) They are planning to get married.
(d) They are starting a business together.

5. In what room does Ava find Grandma Martha crouched on the floor, rubbing her neck?
(a) The laundry room.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) The bathroom.
(d) The library.

6. On what side of town does Ava's somewhat estranged mother live?
(a) West.
(b) South.
(c) East.
(d) North.

7. When Josephine first takes on the role of first-person narrator, in what year is the narrative set?
(a) 1949.
(b) 1924.
(c) 1875.
(d) 1855.

8. What is the name of Josephine's husband?
(a) Malcolm.
(b) Isaiah.
(c) Aaron.
(d) Ned.

9. How many pounds does the hog weigh that Josephine plans to serve at the wedding?
(a) 100.
(b) 500.
(c) 700.
(d) 300.

10. What is the name of the woman who tried to find Josephine's mother after the Civil War, but to no avail?
(a) Marcia.
(b) Mabel.
(c) Link.
(d) Sarah.

11. What is NOT an element of the best middle school in the city, which King attends for the first time early in the novel?
(a) A student-run literary magazine.
(b) A jazz band.
(c) Free STEM classes.
(d) A salad bar.

12. Who taught Ava "how to visualize a white light encasing" her and "protecting [her] from harm" (51)?
(a) King.
(b) Byron.
(c) Grandma Martha.
(d) Gladys.

13. How long ago was Gladys diagnosed with cancer, according to Ava?
(a) 3 years.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 3 months.
(d) 3 weeks.

14. Ava reveals that she is how many years old?
(a) 32.
(b) 28.
(c) 26.
(d) 38.

15. Who is Senait, in relation to Ava?
(a) Lover.
(b) Cousin.
(c) Sister.
(d) Friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. What position does Gladys now inhabit for work?

2. In what style does Gladys wear her waist-length hair?

3. Josephine says in 1924 that she has ensured that which character "attends school year-round" (77)?

4. Which book of the Bible can Jericho "read by himself," (77) impressing his father Major?

5. The narrator reveals that Josephine began her life as a what?

(see the answer keys)

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