The Reptile Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Reptile Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Count Olaf tell the children he assumes that they are?
(a) Orphans
(b) Beggers
(c) Midgets
(d) Dr. Montgomery's children

2. What does Uncle Monty tell the children the Hungarian Sloth Snake's top speed is?
(a) A slither every minute
(b) Half an inch per hour
(c) Too slow
(d) A foot a day

3. What does the Alaskan Cow Lizard produce?
(a) Slime
(b) Poison
(c) Sticky white substance
(d) Milk

4. What does Uncle Monty want to show Violet he has bought before she tells him her important information?
(a) Snake bait
(b) Wasp repellent
(c) Thermos
(d) Compass

5. Who does Mr. Poe tell the children they are going to go live with?
(a) Dr. Montogmery
(b) A foster home
(c) Mr. Poe
(d) Count Olaf

Short Answer Questions

1. What are most of the books in Dr. Montgomery's library written about?

2. What sort of factory does the Grim River circle?

3. Why does Stephano only carry bags with one hand?

4. What does Mr. Poe tell the children they should address Dr. Montgomery as?

5. How does Dr. Montgomery introduce himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain Mr. Poe and the children's conversation when they tell Mr. Poe goodbye and walk him to the car in chapter two.

2. What are the children doing in chapter five when they go up to their bed rooms after dinner?

3. What does Mr. Poe tell the children in chapter one as they are walking up to the door?

4. Describe the animals and things in the Reptile Room.

5. In chapter four what characters do the children think about in regards to Olaf's acting troupe that travel with him?

6. How is the night described in the beginning of chapter five?

7. Describe how life goes for the Baudelaire children for a week or so in chapter three?

8. What do the children remember in chapter three while thinking about heir parents?

9. What do the children find when the open the door of the Reptile Room?

10. Describe the scene in chapter six when the Baudelaire children are watching Zombies in the Snow.

(see the answer keys)

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