The Reptile Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Reptile Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose face couldn't be read?
(a) Doctor
(b) Stephano
(c) The Incredibly Deadly Viper
(d) Violet

2. What does Mr. Poe get to rub Stephano's ankle?
(a) Handkerchief
(b) Coat jacket
(c) Snot rag
(d) Wash cloth

3. Where does Violet say she is going while Klaus looks for info about the Mamba du Mal?
(a) Uncle Monty's room
(b) To look through the doctor's car
(c) Stephano's room
(d) To call the police

4. What makes Klaus suddenly very angry with the doctor?
(a) He peed on the carpet
(b) He is eating Dr. Montgomery's food
(c) He broke Dr. Montgomery's chair
(d) He is stealking Dr. Montgomery's silverware

5. What does Stephano say that they don't have when Klaus accuses him of being Dr. Montgomery's killer?
(a) Evidence
(b) Body
(c) Reason
(d) Motive

6. What does Klaus say he is waiting on before he leaves?
(a) A forensic team
(b) To find the snake
(c) Mr. Poe
(d) Police

7. Where does Mr. Poe say that Sunny won't be willing to sit for a car ride?
(a) On the hood
(b) In the trunk
(c) Dr. Montgomery's lap
(d) The roof

8. What does Violet do to her invention to make it slide easier?
(a) Sprays cooking oil on it
(b) Puts some grease on it
(c) Dips it in the cold coffee made by Stephano
(d) Licks it

9. What does Stephano's bed have on it?
(a) Cookie crumbs and used tissues
(b) Dirty underwear and stinkie socks
(c) Toe nail clippings and cracker crumbs
(d) Cracker crumbs and hair

10. What does Violet realize Stephano has done to the curtains?
(a) Peed on them
(b) Drawn on them
(c) Blown his nose on them
(d) Cut them

11. What does the doctor say that Stephano is before he goes in to check on the body of Dr. Montgomery?
(a) A good gaurdian
(b) A kind gentleman
(c) The boss
(d) A wise man

12. Why does the doctor explain that he and Stephano can't switch cars?
(a) The city laws won't allow anyone else to drive his car
(b) His car is out of gas
(c) He can't drive Stephano's car
(d) He hates to drive a Jeep

13. What do the children begin to do as they drive away from the house?
(a) Jump out of the Jeep
(b) Scream
(c) Grab the wheel from Stephano
(d) Cry

14. What does Stephano pull out when Klaus says he will call the police?
(a) A walkie talkie
(b) The police number
(c) His knife
(d) Wire Cutters

15. What can Violet see Stephano explaining but doesn't know what he is saying?
(a) Stephano explaining he is a snake expert
(b) Stephano telling Mr. Poe that Sunny isn't hurt
(c) Stephano explaining how he found Dr. Montgomery
(d) Stephano telling everyone how wonderful he is

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the doctor suggest is the reason that Dr. Montgomery wasn't bruised?

2. What is one of the reasons given that a person shouldn't play with electricity?

3. How does Stephano describe Dr. Montgomery's death?

4. What other children's story does the author make mention of in the story to talk about things that are fake?

5. What has Violet created when she is done?

(see the answer keys)

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