The Relic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Relic Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why will Ippolito not allow the law enforcement officers into the Secure Area of the museum in Chapter 14?
(a) He is afraid of repercussions.
(b) He wants them to get a warrant.
(c) He forgot the key.
(d) He forgot the passcode.

2. Who is Vincent D'Agosta?
(a) An assistant curator.
(b) The police detective in charge.
(c) The director of the museum.
(d) A writer working on a book about the museum.

3. What lined the walls of the hut where the Mbwun figure was found?
(a) Skulls.
(b) Drawings.
(c) Carvings.
(d) Bones.

4. What does Whittlesey see on the dead body on the trial before him that tells him it is human?
(a) A khaki shirt.
(b) A pair of jeans.
(c) A gun.
(d) A pair of leather boots.

5. What event does Pendergast suggest might have to be postponed during the investigation?
(a) The Superstition Exhibit's design and set up.
(b) The Superstition Exhibit opening party.
(c) The museum employee party.
(d) The museum fund raiser.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is William Smithback?

2. What does Mbwun mean?

3. What is stenciled on the side of the crates Ven intends to steal?

4. What DNA other than human is found to exist inside the claw found in the chest of one of the young victims of the museum killer?

5. What does Pendergast show Dr. Wright that causes the doctor physical discomfort?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the medical examiner tell D'Agosta about the missing part of the victim's brain and what it does inside the human body?

2. What great find did Whittlesey make shortly after the departure of the other scientists? What does this appear to prove?

3. What do the scientists at the independent lab tell Pendergast and D'Agosta in Chapter 23 about the DNA sample taken from the claw found in the chest of one of the victims?

4. What family crisis is taking place in the Green family, forcing Margo to make a decision that could end her dreams of completing her education?

5. What began the rumor of the museum beast?

6. What does Smithback ask Kawakita to help him with in Chapter 25? Why does Kawakita refuse?

7. What does Pendergast require of Dr. Wright in order to begin a successful investigation into the murders in the museum?

8. What is a ballistics analysis and why does Pendergast suggest one be done on the blood at the crime scene in Chapter 14?

9. What is odd about the DNA sample the lab tech examines in Chapter 17?

10. What is the Callisto Effect?

(see the answer keys)

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