The Relic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Relic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What strange scent does Ven smell in the warehouse?
(a) A spicy cologne.
(b) A goat-like smell.
(c) A flowery perfume.
(d) A dead mouse smell.

2. Where and when does the second chapter take place?
(a) London, 1987.
(b) The Amazon, 1986.
(c) New York, 1995.
(d) Brazil, 1988.

3. Why does Margo accompany Dr. Frock into the basement in Chapter 17?
(a) To visit with D'Agosta.
(b) To visit with Dr. Cuthbert.
(c) To visit with Mrs. Rickman.
(d) To visit with Pendergast.

4. What is a dissertation?
(a) A research project based on scientific theory.
(b) A book length work written by a doctoral student on a specific subject.
(c) A lecture presented by a doctoral student to an undergraduate class.
(d) A book report written by a college student.

5. Under what discipline does Gregory Kawakita work in the Anthropology Department?
(a) Evolutionary mutations.
(b) Evolutionary biology.
(c) Ancient tribes of South America.
(d) Botany.

6. What causes Margo to run from the exhibit hall in Chapter 20?
(a) A goat-like smell and red, beady eyes.
(b) The sound of Dr. Cuthbert entering.
(c) A goat-like smell and odd noises.
(d) The yells of a security guard.

7. Why does Margo call Greg Kawakita in Chapter 20?
(a) To ask help in finding out more information on the Whittlesey Expedition.
(b) To ask to use his G.S.E. program.
(c) To ask help in classifying plants for the Superstition Exhibition.
(d) To ask to use his dissertation notes on the Kiribitu tribe.

8. Who do D'Agosta and Pendergast wait to see in the opening paragraphs of Chapter 16?
(a) Mrs. Rickman, the public relations director.
(b) Dr. Wright, the director of the museum.
(c) Dr. Frock, director of anthropology.
(d) Dr. Cuthbert, curator of the Superstition Exhibit.

9. How much force does the coroner's office suggest it would require to create the lacerations on the security guard's body in one stroke?
(a) Twice what a human male can achieve.
(b) Four times what a human male can achieve.
(c) The average strength of a human female.
(d) The average strength of a human male.

10. What does G.S.E. stand for?
(a) Gene Splicer Exercise.
(b) Genetic Science Extrapolator.
(c) Genetic Sequence Extrapolator.
(d) Gene Sequence Exercise.

11. What does Margo see in the Superstition Exhibition that makes her think Dr. Frock is right about it being purely for entertainment?
(a) Items for sale.
(b) Strobe lights.
(c) Special lighting.
(d) Recorded spooky sounds.

12. Whose body was supposedly found mutilated in the museum, thus starting the rumor of the museum beast as related to Margo in Chapter 15?
(a) A missing curator, Montague.
(b) A past director of the museum.
(c) A security guard.
(d) A young museum visitor.

13. What mistake does security guard Eric Norris make at the crime scene in Chapter 14?
(a) Calls the police belatedly.
(b) Moves the body.
(c) Steps in blood.
(d) Vomits on evidence.

14. Who calls Margo in Chapter 11 that leaves her emotionally drained and upset?
(a) Dr. Frock.
(b) Smithback.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her friend, Jan.

15. What is wrong with Charlie Prine when Margo sees him? Why?
(a) He is sick because he has the flu that has been going around.
(b) He is under arrest for stealing from the museum.
(c) He is sick because he found two dead bodies.
(d) He is under arrest for murder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the security guard tell the red headed child not to touch in the beginning of Chapter 3?

2. Why does Beauregard call for help when he hears a noise in the Superstition Exhibit?

3. What piece of jewelry does Whittlesey consider his talisman?

4. What does Whittlesey notice about the local vegetation at the site of the hut where the Mbwun was found?

5. What DNA other than human is found to exist inside the claw found in the chest of one of the young victims of the museum killer?

(see the answer keys)

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