The Red Tent Test | Final Test - Medium

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Tent Test | Final Test - Medium

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What theme is explored in this chapter as Dinah falls in love with Shalem?
(a) Sexual agency
(b) Remorse
(c) Young love
(d) Sexuality

2. How does Shalem make Dinah his bride?
(a) He sleeps with her
(b) He asks her father for her hand in marriage
(c) He carries her to the altar against her will
(d) He proposed marriage to her

3. What becomes of Rachel?
(a) She loses her beauty as she ages
(b) She dies giving birth to Benjamin
(c) She disowns Leah as a sister
(d) She continues on to become a famous midwife

4. What does Dinah begin to take an interest in?
(a) nursing babies
(b) making clothes
(c) cooking
(d) being a midwife

5. Why is Rebecca disappointed with Dinah?
(a) Dinah constantly enbarasses Rebecca
(b) Dinah is foolish
(c) Dinah judges other too easliy
(d) Dinah is not the heir to Mamra

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Meryt's profession?

2. What do Jacob's sons demand happen to the men of Shechum?

3. Who's predictions are fulfilled in this chapter?

4. Where does Dinah go to deliver the baby?

5. Why does Re-mose return to Dinah?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Werenro at the end of Chapter 7?

2. What happens once Dinah gets her period?

3. What happens to Jacob?

4. Why won't Dinah share her mothers' stories?

5. How does Dinah feel when she learns she is pregnant?

6. Why does Benia track down Dinah?

7. Why does Re-mose decide to visit his mother?

8. What does Dinah become in Egypt, Chapter 3?

9. Why are Simon and Levi furious with Dinah's marriage?

10. Why do Shalem and his father agree to have the men of Shechem circumcised?

(see the answer keys)

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