The Red Tent Test | Final Test - Easy

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Tent Test | Final Test - Easy

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Re-mose return to Dinah?
(a) His mentor, Zafenat Paneh-ah, wants her to deliver his wife's babies
(b) Re-mose wants to know who his father is
(c) He is grieving over Re-nefer
(d) He wishes to get to know his mother

2. What is happening physically and mentally to Dinah?
(a) She feels very emotional
(b) She is acting childish
(c) She is angered by everyone around her
(d) She is becoming a woman

3. Why has Benia tracked down Dinah?
(a) She owes him money
(b) He wants her to become his wife
(c) Benia wishes to kill DInah
(d) He needs a good midwife to help with the delivery of a baby

4. Who does DInah call the women who work for Rebecca?
(a) The Elizabeths
(b) The Deborahs
(c) The Rebeccas
(d) The Werenros

5. What theme is important to this chapter?
(a) Sexuality
(b) Women's changing bodies
(c) Women expressing sexual agency
(d) Young developing love

6. What happens while DInah is on her honeymoon?
(a) Jacob visits the King and is treated poorly
(b) Jacob visits the King and is treated grandly
(c) Levi visits the King and is treated grandly
(d) Levi visits the King and is treated poorly

7. How long does Dinah stay at Mamre?
(a) Three days
(b) Three months
(c) Three weeks
(d) Three years

8. What does this chapter reveal about Re-mose?
(a) He wishes to avenge his father
(b) He actually loves his mother
(c) He is envious of Zafenat Paneh-ah
(d) He is very self centered

9. What happens to Reuben?
(a) Levi and Simon kidnap him
(b) He is killed in a fight
(c) He is found in bed with Bilhah and banished by Jacob
(d) Levi and Simon kill him

10. What becomes of Leah?
(a) She commits sucide after Rachel dies.
(b) She becomes bitter and regretful because she lost Dinah
(c) She falls out of favor with Jacob and is disowned by him
(d) She loses the use of her arms and legs and dies in pain

11. What becomes of Bilhah?
(a) She dies in childbirth
(b) She disappears
(c) She falls in love with Simon
(d) She stays with Jacob until he dies

12. Why does Dinah go back to the palace after the baby is delivered?
(a) She wishes to see Shalem again
(b) She is asked to become Ashnan's lady's maid
(c) Dinah wants to request an audience with Re-nefer
(d) Rachel left her tools and needs Dinah to fetch them

13. Upon her return to her father's camp, who is Dinah angry with?
(a) Rachel
(b) Jacob
(c) Zilpah
(d) Leah

14. Why is Rebecca disappointed with Dinah?
(a) Dinah is not the heir to Mamra
(b) Dinah constantly enbarasses Rebecca
(c) Dinah is foolish
(d) Dinah judges other too easliy

15. Who is Rebecca furious with?
(a) Bilhah
(b) Taeba
(c) DInah
(d) Adath

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Dinah hate Rebecca?

2. Why do Egyptians seek out the Cannanite woman named Dinah?

3. What theme is explored in this chapter as Dinah falls in love with Shalem?

4. Why do the mothers break Dinah's hymen?

5. Why does Dinah hate Egypt?

(see the answer keys)

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