The Red Tent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Tent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anita Diamant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In My Mother's Stories, Chapter 3, How many sons does Jacob now have?
(a) ten
(b) five
(c) eight
(d) seven

2. What does Rachel name her son?
(a) Gad
(b) Asher
(c) Joseph
(d) Simon

3. In My Stories, Chapter 1, what does Laban do to Ruti?
(a) He beats her up
(b) He gives her jewels and presents
(c) He sells her into slavery
(d) He impregnates her

4. Why does Jacob hate Laban?
(a) Laban tried to steal from Jacob
(b) Laban is lazy and cruel.
(c) Laban abuses Ruti
(d) Laban alienates those around him

5. Why does Rachel's family protest the marriage?
(a) They do not approve of Jacob.
(b) They believe that Jacob is a liar and thief.
(c) They believe she is too young to marry Jacob.
(d) Laban does not wish to give up his most beautiful daughter.

6. Who sends Dinah and Jacob to look for Ruti?
(a) Jacob
(b) Leah
(c) Rachel
(d) Laban

7. Where can the story of Dinah be found?
(a) The Bible
(b) The Koran
(c) Spirits Book
(d) Kebra Negast

8. Why is Dinah excited to meet Tabea?
(a) Tabea is very kind
(b) She promises to teach Dinah how to read
(c) She is very beautiful
(d) Tabea is her only female cousin

9. How are women's stories told?
(a) They are whispered from woman to woman
(b) Women's sons write their stories down
(c) They are written down and passed on
(d) Women's husbands write their stories down

10. Why are the women happy to accept Inna into their camp?
(a) She is very rich
(b) She is a skilled midwife and healer
(c) She is very kind
(d) She is a good babysitter

11. Why does Jacob want to leave Laban's land?
(a) His wives are insisting they leave
(b) His children wish to leave
(c) Laban's land has dried up
(d) He is having dreams about returning to his homeland.

12. Why does Laban feel helpless?
(a) Once he is in the Red Tent
(b) When he confronts Jacob
(c) When he confronts all of Jacob's clan
(d) Will he fall and embarrass himself

13. Who is thought to be the most beautiful daughter of Laban?
(a) Leah
(b) Rachel
(c) Bilhah
(d) Zilpah

14. What do the sisters take that is important to them?
(a) Their goddesses
(b) Their jewelry
(c) Their crops
(d) Their clothes

15. Why does Dinah become jealous of her father?
(a) Jacob has the most influence over the family
(b) She sees how all the women fawn over him
(c) She sees how much Leah loves him
(d) Joseph would rather spend time with Jacob

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Leah hide her identity from Jacob?

2. What is created by women telling their own stories?

3. Which sister actually steals from Laban?

4. What does Laban allow Jacob to take?

5. How are Esau's wives different from Jacob's?

(see the answer keys)

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