The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Final Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Final Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Females are ______ more likely to have the right kind of orgasm and to become impregnated when unfaithful.
(a) 70 percent.
(b) 50 percent.
(c) 40 percent.
(d) 90 percent.

2. Children who are raised together usually___________.
(a) Have a .chaotic relationship.
(b) Have a propensity for incest.
(c) Have an aversion to incest.
(d) Have a competitive spirit.

3. How do women prefer to live with men?
(a) In celibacy.
(b) In adultery .
(c) In polygamy.
(d) In monogamy.

4. What causes a man's brain to change in the womb?
(a) A dose of testosterone.
(b) A dose of progesterone.
(c) Estrogen.
(d) Endocrine.

5. What do male primates do to their female's children who are not also their children?
(a) Ignore the children who are not their own.
(b) Kill the female for having children from another mate.
(c) Kill the children that are not their own.
(d) Take care of all the children.

6. What do genes provide?
(a) The basis for the limits and the capabilities of humans.
(b) A holding tank for DNA.
(c) Positive traits to pass down.
(d) The survival of a species.

7. Our ideas of attractiveness and our sexual inclinations seem to be _________.
(a) Accidental.
(b) Proven wrong by biology.
(c) Widespread and designed by evolution.
(d) Errors in judgement.

8. Specifically, what did these rules mandate?
(a) Prevent sex and divorce among the upper class.
(b) The people must live with their many wives and support them.
(c) To make having multiple wives legal.
(d) People were given divorces if they were unhappy.

9. Boys tend to be better at reasoning ______, whereas women excel in reasoning in terms of _______.
(a) Abstractly; generalities.
(b) Generalities; particulars.
(c) Particulars; the abstract.
(d) Abstractly; particulars.

10. What is the development of language?
(a) A need for humans to spread gossip about sexual partners.
(b) A basic need for human evolution.
(c) A basic need for survival of the species.
(d) A basic need for courtship.

11. In a person's youth, what happens to them to thwart off incest?
(a) They are imprinted with an aversion toward incest.
(b) They are punished if they attempt it.
(c) They are not told about incest.
(d) They are told that it is evil.

12. Male human beings expect to have their _______ compete with the ________ of other males.
(a) Love.
(b) Sperm.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Attractiveness.

13. Thinking that male and female brains are different is often thought to be_______.
(a) Misguided.
(b) Wrong.
(c) Hateful.
(d) Discriminatory.

14. Homosexual men tend to be like __________ men and lesbians tend to be more like _______ women.
(a) Heterosexual; heterosexual.
(b) Homosexual; heterosexual.
(c) Heterosexual; homosexual.
(d) Homosexual; Homosexual.

15. What is most male to male battle over in tribes?
(a) Women.
(b) Money.
(c) Land.
(d) Food.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church created many rules to prevent __________.

2. What accusation does the author make against women?

3. What type of male do women find the most attractive?

4. In a landscape what will girls pick out as being important?

5. What is the "Machiavellian" hypothesis?

(see the answer keys)

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