The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which cultures are male babies especially prized?
(a) Indian.
(b) Chinese.
(c) American.
(d) Chinese and Indian.

2. According to the author and other research, who should have a better evolutionary outcome?
(a) Sexual Reproduction.
(b) Asexual and Sexual Reproduction.
(c) Same-sex Reproduction.
(d) Asexual reproduction.

3. What do males want in sexual partners?
(a) A very young female.
(b) A good mother.
(c) An attractive female.
(d) A spontaneous female.

4. What is the continuous arms race that occurs between organisms?
(a) No one can catch up.
(b) World War II.
(c) People will try to kill one another so that their genes may carry on.
(d) Once an advantage is gained, the loser will adapt to negate the advantage.

5. What do scientists want to discover about genetic mixing?
(a) Why genetic mixing is better than cloning oneself.
(b) How to make genetic mixing affordable.
(c) How to make genetic mixing more reliable.
(d) Why cloning is more successful than genetic mixing.

6. Who has solutions concerning genetics?
(a) Molecular biologists and geneticists.
(b) Scientists.
(c) Doctors and scientists.
(d) Geneticists.

7. What is sexual selection?
(a) Selection based on the strength of a mate.
(b) Selection based on the appeal of a potential mate.
(c) Irrational mating between humans.
(d) Random mating between humans.

8. Who developed the Red Queen theory?
(a) Graham Bell.
(b) Richard Dawkins.
(c) Charles Darwin.
(d) Leigh Van Valen.

9. In 1970, __________ argued that the individual is merely a container for genes.
(a) Charles Darwin.
(b) Richard Dawkins.
(c) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
(d) Russel Wallace.

10. What does being fast allow for a gazelle to do?
(a) It is able to always kill its prey.
(b) The gazelle is never caught and it throws off the balance of the environment.
(c) The gazelle gets caught.
(d) The fast gazelle survives and reproduces, thus spreading its genes.

11. How does Chapter 5 begin?
(a) With an explanation of courtship.
(b) With mating behavior of Australian brush turkeys.
(c) With observations about pine moles.
(d) With the story of a fisherman.

12. What is the male to female ratio?
(a) 2:1.
(b) 1:2.
(c) 1:3.
(d) 1:1.

13. What was the 16th century cleric known for besides his scientific theories?
(a) His sermons.
(b) Switching between Catholic and Protestant religions.
(c) Killing Catholics.
(d) Being a survivor of Protestant ridicule.

14. What are transposons?
(a) Diseases.
(b) Viruses.
(c) Weaker genes.
(d) Out law genes.

15. Ever since _____________ in the late 19th century, scientists have understood that all life forms are a product of biological evolution.
(a) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
(b) Charles Darwin.
(c) Richard Dawkins.
(d) Russel Wallace.

Short Answer Questions

1. What have scientists discovered about sexual reproduction versus asexual reproduction?

2. What can a psychiatrist expect to find in all people?

3. Why is the Vicar of Bray theory flawed?

4. Who cannot compete with males?

5. What do organisms that reproduce end up with for offspring?

(see the answer keys)

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