The Rebel Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rebel Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 4, Rousseau denounced a corruption of what in art by society?

2. According to Part 4, what is one of the sources of the art of fiction?

3. According to Part 4, art realizes the reconciliation of the what with the universal?

4. In Part 3, what alone kept Hitler alive?

5. What does Camus say people become intimates of at the "climax of contemporary tragedy"?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Camus focuses on the role the Romantic Movement rebels play in the development of rebellion. Write a response exploring Romanticism and its role in rebellion. What is Romanticism? How does it become rebellion? How does Camus view Romanticism? Use specific references to the text in the response.

Essay Topic 2

The theme of right and wrong is evident throughout Camus' essay. Explore the theme of right and wrong. What does Camus say is "right"? What does he see as "wrong"? What do other philosophies present in the essay think about what is right and wrong? Use specific references to the text in the response.

Essay Topic 3

Rebellion and revolution are the two common ideas in Camus' The Rebel. Compare and contrast rebellion and revolution. How are rebellion and revolution different? How are they the same? Use specific references to the text in the response.

(see the answer keys)

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