The Rape of the Lock (Pope) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rape of the Lock (Pope) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Belinda choose as trumps when she plays Ombre?
(a) Spades.
(b) Clubs.
(c) Hearts.
(d) Diamonds.

2. Who does the Knave of Diamonds conquer (87)?
(a) King of Hearts.
(b) Queen of Spades.
(c) King of Spades.
(d) Queen of Hearts.

3. Who does Thalestris go to to get Belinda's lock back?
(a) Sir Plume.
(b) Sir Calamus.
(c) Sir Rachis.
(d) Sir Pinion.

4. What does the queen sometimes do at Hampton?
(a) Counsel and tea.
(b) Garden parties.
(c) Rest and relaxation.
(d) Balls and masquerades.

5. What color is the fabric on the card table?
(a) Navy blue.
(b) Green.
(c) Burgundy.
(d) Red.

6. What type of pie talks in the Cave of Spleen?
(a) Goose.
(b) Berry.
(c) Pear.
(d) Apple.

7. What suit does the Baron play after successes in Ombre (75)?
(a) Clubs.
(b) Spades.
(c) Diamonds.
(d) Hearts.

8. What queen is mentioned in Canto III?
(a) Anne.
(b) Elisabeth.
(c) Mary.
(d) Jane.

9. In the Cave of Spleen, how long does a woman sigh on her bed?
(a) Centuries.
(b) Months.
(c) Years.
(d) Forever.

10. After Belinda wins the game, what do she and her companions drink?
(a) White wine.
(b) Red wine.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Tea.

11. In Canto III, with whom does Belinda want to play cards?
(a) 2 Barons.
(b) 2 Lords.
(c) 2 Knights.
(d) 2 ladies.

12. What does coffee make politicians?
(a) Clever.
(b) Wise.
(c) Discerning.
(d) Intelligent.

13. From what country is the stand that is used to raise the silver lamp in Canto III?
(a) Australia.
(b) China.
(c) Japan.
(d) Hong Kong.

14. Like whose tripod does a cooking pot walk?
(a) Homer's.
(b) Socrates'.
(c) Plato's.
(d) Aristotle's.

15. What is Sir Plume very proud of?
(a) Walnut snuffbox.
(b) Cherry snuffbox.
(c) Ivory snuffbox.
(d) Amber snuffbox.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Umbriel go after the Baron cuts Belinda's hair?

2. What does Belinda wish she had done instead of going to Hampton Court?

3. Who had a bag he used to hold the winds that is similar to the bag the goddess gives Umbriel?

4. In whose arms is Belinda sunk into when Umbriel returns?

5. What presses upon Belinda after the Baron cuts her hair?

(see the answer keys)

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