The Rape of Nanking Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Iris Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rape of Nanking Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Iris Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Approximately how many Chinese civilians and former soldiers are killed during the mass execution near Mufu Mountain?
(a) 12,000.
(b) 57,000.
(c) 30,000.
(d) 104,000.

2. After the Japanese victory at Shanghai, Chinese officials do all BUT WHICH of the following to prepare for possible attacks elsewhere?
(a) Order residents to camouflage homes.
(b) Order civilians out of the cities.
(c) Hold practice air-raid drills.
(d) Have citizens build bomb shelters.

3. Kirby states that all BUT WHICH of Japan's following actions took place in stark contrast to conventional rules of warfare?
(a) Execution of civilians.
(b) Rape of civilians.
(c) Occupation.
(d) Execution of soldiers.

4. How long does Japan initially believe it will take to conquer mainland China?
(a) One year.
(b) Six months.
(c) Three months.
(d) Two weeks.

5. During the Rape of Nanking, the Japanese outdo all BUT WHICH of the following massacres?
(a) Romans at Carthage.
(b) Christians during Spanish Inquisition.
(c) Timur Lenk at Delhi.
(d) Stalin in Russia.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Fall of Nanking," how many divisions does the commander in charge of Nanking give authority to cross the Yangtze River?

2. Kirby mentions in the Foreword that the Rape of Nanking accomplished what in the eyes of the world?

3. When the Nanking Safety Zone is initially set up, how long does the International Committee intend for it to be open?

4. Looting in the Safety Zone makes food so scarce that refugees are forced to eat all BUT WHICH of the following?

5. According to Ms. Chang, why is the Rape of Nanking not as well known as the Holocaust or Hiroshima?

Short Essay Questions

1. As discussed in "The Fall of Nanking," what are the reasons historians have found for why Nanking fell in four days with so many Chinese soldiers present to defend the city?

2. In what way can we now think of Nanking as a different sort of turning point, according to Kirby?

3. What was Japan's isolationist foreign policy intended to accomplish, and in what ways did that policy backfire?

4. According to the Introduction, in what two ways was Japan's mindset as it set out to conquer neighboring nations similar to the way Nazi Germany's mindset would be a few years later? How are the two tactics related?

5. Describe the process by which new Japanese soldiers were desensitized.

6. In the Foreword, what does Kirby say was unique about the Rape of Nanking in regards to the way it was carried out?

7. Japan occupied Nanking for eight years and set up a government of Chinese collaborators. What was that government NOT able to accomplish during those eight years?

8. Briefly describe Wilhelmina (Minnie) Vautrin's role in the Nanking Safety Zone.

9. What does the author accomplish by referring to Nanking as a "forgotten Holocaust," according to Kirby?

10. At what point does the author state that she became aware of the Rape of Nanking, and what caused her to doubt the accuracy of the information with which she had been presented?

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