The Rape of Nanking Test | Final Test - Easy

Iris Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rape of Nanking Test | Final Test - Easy

Iris Chang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the massacre, what is the estimated financial damage to public property in Nanking?
(a) $836 million.
(b) $140 thousand.
(c) $90 thousand.
(d) $200 million.

2. Segments of the diary writer's film in "What the World Knew" are eventually included in a documentary entitled "Why We Fight: Battle of China" by which director?
(a) Frank Capra.
(b) John Magee.
(c) John Rabe.
(d) George Fitch.

3. Chang states in "The Forgotten Holocaust" that censorship in Japan is practiced not only by the government, but also by which other entity?
(a) Military.
(b) Authors.
(c) Media.
(d) Citizens.

4. In what year during "The Fate of the Survivors" do seizures and a mental collapse force Robert Wilson to leave Nanking for Santa Barbara, California?
(a) 1940.
(b) 1938.
(c) 1960.
(d) 1952.

5. In the Acknowledgments, who does Chang say first told her about the Rape of Nanking?
(a) Her parents.
(b) An aunt.
(c) Her grandparents.
(d) A teacher.

6. Which Japanese news outlet begins to report that all is well and that Nanking's citizens are returning home in late December during the occupation?
(a) Kyodo.
(b) Xinhua.
(c) Nippon.
(d) Domei.

7. In what year during "The Fate of the Survivors" does the People's Republic of China announce that it has forgiven Japan and invites the Japanese prime minister to visit China?
(a) 1991.
(b) 1985.
(c) 1974.
(d) 2002.

8. After the War Crimes committee is created, trials for class B and C war criminals begin when?
(a) September 1944.
(b) December 1945.
(c) March 1945.
(d) August 1946.

9. In 1941, the Japanese army launched a campaign of terror in northern China. What was the population of northern China prior to this campaign?
(a) 44 million.
(b) 16 million.
(c) 105 million.
(d) 25 million.

10. The end of "Judgment Day" states that Emperor Hirohito dies in what year?
(a) 1972.
(b) 1994.
(c) 2001.
(d) 1989.

11. Chang frequently required assistance from others because she used source material written in all BUT WHICH of the following languages?
(a) Russian.
(b) Japanese.
(c) German.
(d) Chinese.

12. In "Judgment Day," one of the war crimes trials held is for two lieutenants: Takeshi and Toshiaki. In what chapter of this book does "Judgment Day" say their killing contest is described?
(a) Chapter 8.
(b) Chapter 2.
(c) Chapter 6.
(d) Chapter 4.

13. The Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia assisted Chang by providing all BUT WHICH of the following?
(a) Photographs.
(b) Trial transcripts.
(c) Articles.
(d) Important contacts.

14. The Epilogue states that some scholars explain the horrors in Nanking and other atrocities by a phenomenon known as what?
(a) Uncontrollable rage.
(b) Mob mentality.
(c) Master race mentality.
(d) Transfer of oppression.

15. Which of Chang's friends freely donated her time to help translate a good deal of source material?
(a) Barbara Masin.
(b) Nancy Tong.
(c) Susan Rabiner.
(d) Martha Begemann.

Short Answer Questions

1. The first diary leaked out of Nanking is published in all BUT WHICH of the following magazines?

2. Which US President announces on December 13 that he is shocked by the attack on the USS Panay?

3. According to the Epilogue, millions of victims died after the war was over from starvation and disease caused by all BUT WHICH of the following Japanese actions?

4. During the IMTFE trials, the court determines that what ratio of prisoners of war die under the Japanese?

5. In "The Occupation of Nanking," the Japanese use all BUT WHICH of the following tools to break open bank vaults?

(see the answer keys)

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