The Rabbit Hutch Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tess Gunty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rabbit Hutch Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tess Gunty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who moved into the Rabbit Hutch together?
(a) Malik and Elsie.
(b) Nadine and Todd.
(c) Blandine and Todd.
(d) Todd and Malik.

2. In “Chemical Hazard,” what is Moses’s favorite pastime?
(a) Showering.
(b) Covering his naked body with soft towels.
(c) Covering his naked body with the liquid of broken glow sticks.
(d) Reading a good book.

3. Who has died in “All Together, Now”?
(a) Elsie's mom.
(b) Milak.
(c) A movie star.
(d) The star of a TV show.

4. Where do Blandine’s foster parents let her enroll?
(a) An art school.
(b) A culinary academy.
(c) A barber school.
(d) An Independence Workshop.

5. What does Blandine become when she exits her body at the beginning of the book?
(a) Everything she ever experienced at once.
(b) The opposite of nothing.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Transcendent and enlightened.

6. What does Blandine talk to Joan about in “Afterlife”?
(a) The afterlife and faith.
(b) Eternity.
(c) Cards.
(d) Money.

7. What is Elsie Blitz's favorite show?
(a) Meet the Neighbors.
(b) Meet the Boss.
(c) Meet the Andersons.
(d) Meet the Boy.

8. How do Tiffany and James know each other?
(a) James teaches music at Tiffany's school.
(b) James is Tiffany's old social worker.
(c) James is a regular at Tiffany's work.
(d) James lives in Tiffany's building.

9. What is the setting of the novel?
(a) Vacca Vale.
(b) Vice Verla.
(c) Valon.
(d) Valen.

10. Who is Zoe at the end of the chapter “Variables”?
(a) Blandine's former classmate.
(b) Blandine's friend.
(c) Moses's former lover.
(d) Todd's wife.

11. Why does Joan's boss scold her?
(a) She deleted Moses's comment.
(b) She has been late four days in a row.
(c) She did not turn in her timecard.
(d) She is writing her novel on company time.

12. In “A Threat to Us All,” what does the Vacca Vale Gazette report?
(a) A threat.
(b) A tussle in the bar.
(c) An emergency.
(d) A disturbance.

13. Who killed the fish in “My First Was a Fish”?
(a) Jack.
(b) Moses.
(c) Blandine.
(d) Elsie.

14. Who is Anthony?
(a) Hope's brother.
(b) Hope's husband.
(c) Blandine's foster dad.
(d) Blandine's cousin.

15. When James drives Tiffany home, what happens?
(a) He kisses her neck and asks what she wants from him.
(b) They argue.
(c) They pull over for a bite to eat.
(d) They kiss.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Ida and Reggie argue about?

2. Who emails Blandine from St. Philomena?

3. What does Blandine ask Joan about the laundromat?

4. What is Blandine worried about?

5. In “Variables,” what does James ask Tiffany to do for him?

(see the answer keys)

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