Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What had to be "closed" for Lori to be safe?
2. Why did Mark thing that Lori tried to commit suicide?
3. At the opening of Chapter 19, "Mark Schiller, Chicago, November 1986", who, from his family, did Mark state had met his girlfriend, Sally?
4. What was Mark's GPA in high school?
5. While in New York Hospital, in 1987, how many cassette tapes did Lori have with her?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why was Lori jealous of the voices that other patients heard?
2. Describe the Quiet Room.
3. How did Dr. Doller differ from all of Lori's other doctors?
4. At New York Hospital, in late 1985, what was different about Lori's stay than the previous time?
5. Why did Marvin Schiller, in Chapter 13, state that Lori's job as a waitress was good for her?
6. What did Marvin state as progress for Lori at his fiftieth birthday?
7. How did Lori master the Quiet Room?
8. Why did Marvin Schiller state that "all through the winter I loved hearing the phone ring"?
9. What did Mark admit to in Chapter 19 that his parents were unaware of?
10. What did Lori do to get thrown out of Futura House?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Choose one activity that the staff taught Lori in order to "teach you [her] ways to feel the storm before it arrives.". Why do you believe this activity worked? Did not work? What was the importance of understanding the onslaught of an outburst? How did this help Lori?
Essay Topic 2
At many times throughout the text, Lori "finds" herself back in a hospital. Do you think that Lori forced her way back into hospitals for a reason? Do you think that, even though Lori hated the hospitals, the hospitals were the one place that she felt the safest? Support your answers textually.
Essay Topic 3
Lori was required to submit to many different treatments. Which of the treatments do you believe was the best for her? Explain in full detail why. (Use other treatments' shortcomings to support your belief.
This section contains 858 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |