The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness Test | Final Test - Easy

Lori Schiller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness Test | Final Test - Easy

Lori Schiller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What would happen every time Mark came close to bringing Sally home to meet his family?
(a) Mark would get sick.
(b) Lori would end up back in the hospital.
(c) Sally would get sick.
(d) They would break up.

2. What did Lori say that she "mastered" in Chapter 24, "Lori, New York Hospital, White Plains, New York, January 1989"?
(a) The Quiet Room.
(b) Controlling her anger.
(c) Trusting her doctors.
(d) Listeneing to the Voices.

3. What were Lori's parents trying to protect Lori from by not telling anyone about her illness?
(a) Stigma.
(b) Embarrassment.
(c) An anger outburst.
(d) Another suicide attempt.

4. What was the thing that Lori needed to hear over, and over, from Marvin when she was released from the hospital?
(a) That she would never go back to the hospital.
(b) That he loved her.
(c) That she would be okay.
(d) That the medication was working.

5. What was the name of Lori's doctor in the extended care unit?
(a) Dr. Towers.
(b) Dr. Daniels.
(c) Dr. Doller.
(d) Dr. Gordon.

6. Who could hear Lori's Voices?
(a) Only her.
(b) Lori and her siblings.
(c) Everyone.
(d) Lori and Dr. Rockland.

7. As a child, what kind of "typical" kid did Mark describe himself as?
(a) The "forgotten" kid.
(b) The "responsible older child".
(c) The "middle kid".
(d) The "irresponsible younger child".

8. What was the name of the long-term unit that Lori arrived at "in time for lunch"?
(a) 3 South.
(b) Bellrive East.
(c) Bellford South.
(d) 4 North.

9. What had Mark done to Lori that made it impossible for him to believe that she was sick?
(a) Tried to make excuses for her illness.
(b) Ignored her sickness.
(c) Forgot that people are vulnerable.
(d) Put her on a pedestal for too long.

10. What did Mark claim Lori was when they were growing up?
(a) Perfect.
(b) Loved.
(c) Hated.
(d) Honored.

11. What did Marvin want Lori to write down (because of this, she kept a paper and pencil by her bed)?
(a) What the voices said to her.
(b) Her thoughts.
(c) Her dreams.
(d) The things that made her angry.

12. What holiday was the first one that Mark brought Sally home to meet his family?
(a) Labor Day.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Thanksgiving.
(d) Memorial Day.

13. How old was Marvin turning when Lori stood up and thanked him for his support while she was in the hospital?
(a) 55.
(b) 48.
(c) 50.
(d) 45.

14. Where did Lori sign herself into in November of 1985?
(a) New York Hospital.
(b) Bellevue Hospital.
(c) Gatewood Institute.
(d) Briar Hills Hospital.

15. What did Dr. Fischer and Dr. Doller say the Voices were a part of, when explaining them to Lori?
(a) An imaginary symptom.
(b) A relighting of her past.
(c) A part of her.
(d) A misunderstanding of her sickness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the one thing that Marvin insisted that Lori talk to him about?

2. Why did being at New York Hospital (1987) frighten Lori?

3. Who called Sally to order her to meet Marvin, Nancy, and Mark at a restaurant in Chicago?

4. After the "power struggle" at Marvin's work had ended, over how many offices did Martin have responsibility over?

5. What did Lori say that she realized "really lay down that road"?

(see the answer keys)

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