The Quiet Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Quiet Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the records stolen by the person who interrupts Penn and his companion at Biscuits and Blues, what was the fee for her private adoption?
(a) $50,000.
(b) $15,000.
(c) $20,000.
(d) $35,000.

2. As Penn and Caitlin leave the restaurant, where does Penn ask Caitlin to accompany him to?
(a) Colorado.
(b) California.
(c) Mississippi.
(d) Florida.

3. Why had J. Edgar Hoover taken the Payton file after Stone had solved the case?
(a) To get Nixon elected.
(b) To hire Marston.
(c) To protect Marston.
(d) To blackmail Nixon.

4. In Chapter 24, as Penn is reviewing the case, Tom returns home with news that an attempt had been made on someone's life. On whose life was the attempt made?
(a) Olivia Marston.
(b) Althea Payton.
(c) Caitlin Masters.
(d) Ray Presley.

5. When Penn returns to the hotel room after witnessing the execution, whom do Penn and Caitlin talk about?
(a) John Portman.
(b) Olivia Marston.
(c) Arthur Lee Hanratty.
(d) Austin Mackey.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Penn, Caitlin, and Annie wait for their plane in the Baton Rouge airport, whom does Penn see getting off a plane?

2. Why had the person Penn interviews in Colorado been released from his previous job?

3. As Penn and Stone part, what does Stone promise to do if he survives the night?

4. After the accusations are published, Penn hires private bodyguards for his family. From where does he hire the bodyguards?

5. As Tom and Penn discuss the Payton murder, what do the two men agree is most important as the investigation progresses?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Penn goes to the apartment of the person who interrupts him at Biscuits and Blues, what does the person who interrupts him tell Penn?

2. What happened to the woman in the car when she revealed what she had seen the night of the Payton murder?

3. At Ruby's funeral, Shad Johnson gets up to speak. What does Johnson say?

4. According to Penn, why had Portman wanted Hanratty extradited to Los Angeles?

5. Where does the judge who orders the boxes removed from the Marston family home for safekeeping have the boxes taken to?

6. When Penn receives a phone call from Althea after the Hanratty execution, what does Althea tell Penn?

7. What does Penn learn from the eyewitness that Penn tracks down upon his return to Natchez?

8. Why does Caitlin change her mind about publishing Penn's accusations in her paper?

9. When Annie is returned to Penn, there is also a note for Penn. What does the note say?

10. What is the real reason that Peter Lutjens is being transferred?

(see the answer keys)

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