The Quiet Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Quiet Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Penn arrives back in Natchez after the trip to Colorado, a fax is waiting for him. This fax tells him about ____________.
(a) Stolen weapons.
(b) Stolen fire bombs.
(c) Stolen dynamite.
(d) Stolen plastic explosives.

2. As Penn ponders what he has learned to this point, what does Penn begin to believe the murder was about?
(a) Power.
(b) Class.
(c) Race.
(d) Revenge.

3. What is the current position held by the person Penn is stunned to see in Huntsville?
(a) District Attorney.
(b) Director of the FBI.
(c) President-elect.
(d) Director of the CIA.

4. When Penn visits Agent Stone again, what does Penn learn from the agent?
(a) People are watching Stone's house.
(b) Stone's daughter has been fired.
(c) Marston offered Stone a bribe.
(d) Payton was killed in self-defense.

5. Who does Penn end up going to Biscuits and Blues with for drinks?
(a) Dan Kelly.
(b) Ike Ransom.
(c) Caitlin Masters.
(d) Olivia Marston.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why had J. Edgar Hoover taken the Payton file after Stone had solved the case?

2. How does Althea react when Penn tells her that he's going to investigate Payton's murder?

3. As Penn, Caitlin, and Annie wait for their plane in the Baton Rouge airport, whom does Penn see getting off a plane?

4. What does Penn want to do in order to force Leo Marston's hand?

5. Where is Peter Lutjens being transferred to?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Penn learn from the eyewitness that Penn tracks down upon his return to Natchez?

2. Why does Penn ask Caitlin to accompany him on his upcoming trip?

3. Why does Caitlin change her mind about publishing Penn's accusations in her paper?

4. When Penn arrives at his interview in Colorado, the interviewee does not want to talk. What changes the interviewee's mind?

5. When Penn goes to the apartment of the person who interrupts him at Biscuits and Blues, what does the person who interrupts him tell Penn?

6. How does Penn respond when he hears the announcement from the person Penn sees getting off an airplane in Baton Rouge?

7. Where does the judge who orders the boxes removed from the Marston family home for safekeeping have the boxes taken to?

8. How does the person who interrupts Penn at Biscuit and Blues learn that her birth certificate does not list a father's name?

9. Describe one retaliatory event that occurs after Penn's accusations are published in the paper.

10. After Johnson speaks at Ruby's funeral, Althea gets up to speak. What does Althea say?

(see the answer keys)

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