The Queen's Gambit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Walter Tevis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Queen's Gambit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Walter Tevis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Beth go when she leaves chapel?
(a) The bathroom.
(b) Her room.
(c) Outside.
(d) The basement.

2. What was the punishment Beth had received for saying “damn"?
(a) Her mouth was washed out with soap.
(b) She had lost recess privileges.
(c) She was not allowed to play chess.
(d) She had been beaten.

3. What does Mr. Ganz request the school to allow?
(a) Beth to start a chess club at the orphanage.
(b) Beth to become a professional chess player.
(c) Beth to attend Mr. Ganz' school full time.
(d) Beth to play chess against the other members of Mr. Ganz's high school chess team.

4. What does Mrs. Deardorff threaten if the children do not to eat every bite?
(a) You would get sick.
(b) You would not get food the next day.
(c) You would not get adopted.
(d) You would lose recess privileges.

5. How many students does Beth beat at chess at Mr. Ganz’s school?
(a) All of them.
(b) None of them.
(c) Five of them.
(d) One of them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is so special about Beth‘s new bedroom?

2. As Beth packs, she searched frantically for the one item that mattered the most. What is that item?

3. What does everyone eat on Fridays?

4. From whom does Beth learn of her mother’s death?

5. Where is the first chess tournament Beth ever take place in held?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do most of the chess players at the tournament have in common?

2. What do both Mr. Shaibel and Mr. Ganz think of Beth? Why?

3. What is the punishment for cursing? How does Beth know that what Ralph shouts from the Boys’ Ward is probably a bad word?

4. What are all the children given at the orphanage in little paper cups? Why? How does Beth feel about this?

5. What are three things that Beth learns from taking part in her first chess tournament?

6. Where is Beth placed, initially, at her first chess tournament? Why?

7. What are the two reasons Mr. Shaibel gives for why he, at first, refuses to allow Beth to play chess with him?

8. How is Beth able to get away for a length of time to play chess?

9. How does Beth lose her fear of volleyball?

10. What does Beth think and do when a nice couple with an accent comes in to adopt a child?

(see the answer keys)

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