The Queen's Fool Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Queen's Fool Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Marie?
(a) Hannah's next-door neighbor.
(b) A Carpenter cousin.
(c) A night nurse.
(d) One of Queen Mary's maids.

2. What did Hannah and Daniel's families do secretly in their home after their wedding?
(a) Made plans to travel back to England.
(b) Held a second Jewish wedding ceremony.
(c) Had a party for their neighbors.
(d) Collected money to send to the rebel army.

3. What is done to the Queen's quarters in spring of 1555?
(a) They are prepared for her confinement.
(b) They are redecorated.
(c) They are searched for trap doors and hidden weapons.
(d) They are prepared to house the Queen in quarantine.

4. What does the King contemplate doing in spring, 1555?
(a) Keeping Elizabeth at court.
(b) Arranging a marriage between Elizabeth and his brother.
(c) Banishing Elizabeth from court.
(d) Asking the Queen to return to court.

5. Who intervenes on Hannah's behalf during her questioning in 1556?
(a) Mr. Dee.
(b) Robert Dudley.
(c) Elizabeth.
(d) Queen Mary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hannah learn about Lord Dudley in the summer of 1557?

2. What does Lord Robert and the Queen's council pressure the Queen to do during autumn, 1558?

3. Who does Hannah see while at church in autumn, 1556?

4. What month does Lord Dudley visit his home in 1558?

5. Where does Elizabeth go in autumn, 1555?

Short Essay Questions

1. As she seeks safety, who does Hannah encounter on the street in the winter of 1557-1558?

2. Under what circumstances does Mary agree to name Elizabeth her heir?

3. Who does Hannah see while out riding her horse? What does this person bring to Elizabeth?

4. Who does Daniel believe Danny is when he is released from captivity?

5. After being found innocent of the charges against her, what does Hannah decide to do?

6. How is Mrs. Carpenter helpful when Hannah's father passes away?

7. What does Mrs. Carpenter confront Hannah about a couple of months after she and Daniel marry?

8. Why do Hannah and Daniel look forward to Elizabeth's reign as queen?

9. Who visits Calais in the early summer in 1557?

10. In what way is Philip's relationship with Elizabeth a political move?

(see the answer keys)

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