The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Winthrop and his governing assistants seized whose “strong water” because he sold too much of it to other men’s servants, according to the author in Chapter 7: “A Due Form of Government”?
(a) Roger Ludlow’s
(b) Nathaniel Ward’s
(c) Richard Clough’s
(d) John Wilson’s

2. What was the name of Anne Hutchinson’s brother-in-law that was a minister whom she admired?
(a) Reverend John Humfrey
(b) Reverend John Preston
(c) Reverend John Wheelwright
(d) Reverend George Phillips

3. What individual that later became a leading figure in Connecticut is said to have grown “into passion and said, that then we should have no government, but there would be an interim, wherein every man might do what he pleased” in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?
(a) Roger Ludlow
(b) William Blackstone
(c) William Bradford
(d) John Haynes

4. What substantial and straightforward freeman from Dorchester drew up a list of arguments against Winthrop’s cause with the General Court, leading Winthrop to ride him down as "a troubler of Israel,” according to the author in Chapter 11: “The New England Way”?
(a) George Phillips
(b) Israel Stoughton
(c) Thomas Fones
(d) William Laud

5. What “testy pastor of Ipswich, held himself unworthy to wipe John Cotton’s slippers,” according to the author in Chapter 10: “Seventeenth-Century Nihilism”?
(a) John Endecott
(b) William Blackstone
(c) George Phillips
(d) Nathaniel Ward

Short Answer Questions

1. When did the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony finally order Roger Williams to leave the colony within six weeks?

2. When did King Charles I meet with defiance for attempting to impose the Anglican prayer book in Scotland?

3. When did Richard Bellingham arrive in Massachusetts?

4. How old was Nathaniel Ward when he came to Ipswich in 1634?

5. Who is said to have “removed himself to the Narragansett country, remarking that he had left England because he did not like the Lord Bishops and found the rule of the Lord Brethren no better” in Chapter 7: “A Due Form of Government”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were the faults of John Endecott and Thomas Dudley as legislators, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?

2. What did the Massachusetts Bay Company charter grant in terms of the establishment of a government for the colony, according to the author in Chapter 7: “A Due Form of Government”?

3. What did the representatives learn when they studied the charter in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?

4. What decision did John Winthrop make regarding the English Civil War? Why?

5. When did Anne and William Hutchinson arrive in New England? How does the author describe them in Chapter 10: “Seventeenth-Century Nihilism”?

6. What type of government did the Massachusetts Bay Company charter entitle the officers to establish for the colony, according to the author in Chapter 7: “A Due Form of Government”?

7. What power did the clergy have in the Massachusetts settlement, according to the author in Chapter 11: “The New England Way”?

8. Where did Roger Williams go when he left Plymouth? Where did he begin a church and start to gain power, according to the author in Chapter 9: “Separation Unleashed”?

9. What ordinance does the author describe Nathaniel Ward as having introduced in Chapter 11: “The New England Way”?

10. What forced John Winthrop to reveal the stipulations of the charter to the colonists, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?

(see the answer keys)

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