The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5: Survival.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did John Winthrop set up his headquarters when he moved the colony into the bay, according to the narrator in Chapter 5: “Survival”?
(a) Cape Sable
(b) Newtown
(c) Charlestown
(d) Mount Desert

2. On what date did John Winthrop write home to Margaret from London about the prospect of moving to New England, saying, “If the Lord seeth it wil be good for us, he will provide a shelter and a hidinge place for us and ours”?
(a) February 2, 1626
(b) May 15, 1629
(c) August 23, 1630
(d) October 19, 1630

3. What was the name of John and Margaret Winthrop’s youngest son that stayed with Margaret when John Winthrop first set out for New England?
(a) William
(b) Paul
(c) James
(d) Samuel

4. According to the author, Arminianism was a belief that men could do what by their own will power?
(a) Endorse one another’s salvation
(b) Deny grace
(c) Respond to God’s will
(d) Achieve faith and win salvation

5. What was the name of John Winthrop’s younger sister who married Emmanuel Downing?
(a) Elizabeth
(b) Marie
(c) Lucy
(d) Sara

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the flagship of the Winthrop Fleet that sailed to the New World?

2. The author says in Chapter 3: “A Shelter and a Hiding Place” that the idea of going to the New World was not novel in Winthrop’s time. Englishman “had drifted back and forth between England and the wilderness across the water” for over how many years?

3. Where did John Winthrop enroll to study law in 1613?

4. In what year did John Winthrop’s eldest son, John Jr., come of age?

5. Whom did James I appoint as Archbishop of Canterbury?

(see the answer key)

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