The Pull of the Stars Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pull of the Stars Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does a tear drop onto Julia’s skirt near the beginning of "Blue" on her birthday?
(a) She just chopped onions.
(b) Tim’s cooking is delicious.
(c) She is in pain.
(d) Her brother loves her.

2. What does Bridie mean by the term nurse-child?
(a) A child who is nursed beyond infancy.
(b) A child who wants to study to be a nurse.
(c) A child up to age four who is boarded out with a foster mother.
(d) A child who cares for others.

3. What films does Julia describe to Bridie?
(a) Every Mary Pickford film Julia had seen.
(b) Julia's favorite Mary Pickford flims.
(c) Julia's favorite silent films.
(d) The films that Julia thought Bridie would like.

4. How old was Bridie when she was first given a young charge?
(a) 18.
(b) 20.
(c) 8 or 9.
(d) 14 or 15.

5. What holiday honors the church penitent—the holy souls in purgatory?
(a) All Saints Day.
(b) The Ascension.
(c) The Feast of All Souls.
(d) Yom Kippur.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Julia’s second birthday gift come?

2. When Julia asks Bridie to tell her anything she remembers from the home, how does Bridie respond?

3. How does Julia respond regarding the blood tax of which Groyne speaks?

4. How does the poem end that Julia has in her head as she wakes in "Blue"?

5. What is the translation of the song Dr. Lynn listens to that is called Liebestod?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Julia tie near Mary’s head during labor? Why?

2. What are the reasons Bridie gives for why her days at the hospital are the very best days of her life?

3. What is Dr. Lynn's response when Julia questions her regarding her support of violence?

4. What does each of Julia's scratchings on her watch represent?

5. From where does the term influenza come? Why is it called this?

6. In "Black" (Pages 235-265), what does Julia think about the line on the propaganda poster regarding lying down for a fortnight?

7. Why does Julia avoid asking Mary if she is ready to push?

8. What does Dr. Lynn do to try to conceal her identity, when out in public?

9. What does Dr. Lynn prescribe Mary, when she is in the pushing phase for pain? What warning does she give Julia and why?

10. Towards the end of "Black" (Pages 235-265), why does Julia feel so festive and in such a good mood?

(see the answer keys)

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