The Pull of the Stars Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pull of the Stars Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For whom was Bridie named?
(a) Her family's pet bird.
(b) Saint Bridget.
(c) Her aunt.
(d) Saint Beatrice.

2. What does Julia whisper in Bridie's ear to tell a doctor regarding Mary's labor?
(a) Julia is concerned Mary is preeclamptic.
(b) Julia is concerned Mary is going into shock.
(c) Julia is concerned Mary's pelvis is too small to deliver the baby.
(d) Julia is concerned Mary is obstructed.

3. Why does Julia suggest she and Bridie go on the roof?
(a) For a bit of air.
(b) For a chat.
(c) For a short nap.
(d) For a cup of tea.

4. How long does a woman have to do housework and mind the little ones to work off the costs of staying at the mother-and-baby house, if she hasn’t been able to pay?
(a) A year after the baby’s birth.
(b) Up until the baby’s birth.
(c) Six months after the baby’s birth.
(d) She is not obligated to stay there.

5. Where is Dr. Lynn to turn herself in?
(a) Dublin Castle.
(b) The Dublin army base.
(c) The nearest police precinct.
(d) The Dublin Metropolitan Police Headquarters.

6. Julia compares her small pebble of pain on the scale against what of Bridie’s?
(a) Bridie's rocks.
(b) Bridie's peaks.
(c) Bridie's mountains.
(d) Bridie's boulders.

7. How does Julia respond regarding the blood tax of which Groyne speaks?
(a) Women are loyal to their nation, just like men.
(b) Women die in war as well as men.
(c) Women donate blood to save others.
(d) Women have been paying the blood tax since time began.

8. What is in the second birthday package for Julia?
(a) An apple.
(b) A basketball.
(c) A new hat.
(d) An orange.

9. Why does a tear drop onto Julia’s skirt near the beginning of "Blue" on her birthday?
(a) She is in pain.
(b) Tim’s cooking is delicious.
(c) Her brother loves her.
(d) She just chopped onions.

10. What does Julia mean when she says she palpates Mary's abdomen?
(a) She forcefully pushes Mary's abdomen.
(b) She massages Mary's abdomen.
(c) She feels it with her hands.
(d) She listens to the baby's heartbeat.

11. What is Julia’s response when Bridie asks how many pushes it takes?
(a) Five to Six.
(b) There is no rule.
(c) Not many.
(d) An hour or two of pushes.

12. How much was Bridie paid, when the home sent her out to work?
(a) Half a pound.
(b) Five shillings.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A farthing.

13. What should help reduce Delia’s milk supply?
(a) An herbal tea.
(b) Peppermint.
(c) A breast pump.
(d) A chest binder.

14. How does kissing and talking to Bridie make Julia feel?
(a) Confused and unsure.
(b) So happy, she thinks she could burst.
(c) Angry.
(d) Uncomfortable and nervous.

15. When Honor White is whispering the Rosary, how does Julia describe the way she is gripping each bead?
(a) With animal strength.
(b) The way a drowning woman might a life preserver.
(c) Like her life depended on it.
(d) Out of such desperation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bridie know about the name her parents had given her?

2. What technique finally works to birth Mary’s baby?

3. What does Bridie mean by the term nurse-child?

4. What does Bridie believe is wrong with the blood orange?

5. What is the translation of the song Dr. Lynn listens to that is called Liebestod?

(see the answer keys)

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