The Pull of the Stars Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pull of the Stars Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Julia not hurry to clean up the mess after Delia gives birth?
(a) She does not know what to do.
(b) She does not want to step between Dr. Lynn and Delia.
(c) She needs to leave it all as evidence.
(d) She has another emergency.

2. Why is Dr. Lynn satisfied with the type of thread she used for Delia's sutures?
(a) They were easy to use.
(b) They would dissolve on their own.
(c) They make a clean, neat stitch.
(d) They are easy to remove.

3. Although her temperature is down a degree, what does Dr. Lynn report about Ita?
(a) Her pulse and respirations were higher.
(b) She was more delirious.
(c) Her coloring is worse.
(d) Her leg is more swollen.

4. Why is it thought good to be a bit distant and professional with patients, according to the medical world in this book?
(a) They are uneducated and uncouth.
(b) They will respect you more.
(c) They are unworthy of you.
(d) They will fear you.

5. When is a pregnancy considered viable, according to Julia?
(a) 30 weeks.
(b) 40 weeks.
(c) 28 weeks.
(d) 22 weeks.

6. Ita's nail beds are starting to turn bluish. What might be the cause?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Her work at the ammunitions factory.
(c) Bruising.
(d) Cyanosis.

7. Besides the flu, what other event is causing massive shortages?
(a) The 30 Years War.
(b) The Civil War.
(c) World War II.
(d) World War I.

8. What is NOT something Julia says the nurses did during their hour breaks, prior to the pandemic?
(a) Dance.
(b) Read the news aloud.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Knit.

9. What story does one of the cooks give Bridie for the cause of the flu?
(a) Fish ate dead soldiers, became infected, and then were eaten by people.
(b) The flu virus was created in a science lab.
(c) Bats were infected and then eaten by people.
(d) God is punishing them all.

10. What does Dr. Lynn suspect is the cause of death for Delia’s baby?
(a) The cord was wrapped around her neck and strangled her.
(b) Placenta previa.
(c) A heart murmur.
(d) Influenza.

11. Who is Julia Power’s ward nurse, whom she replaces?
(a) Sister Eileen.
(b) Sister Mary.
(c) Sister Finnegan.
(d) Sister Luke.

12. What sensation does Julia mention is turned off in her, while she was at work?
(a) Smell.
(b) Tiredness.
(c) Fear.
(d) Hunger.

13. Why does Dr. Prendergast not prescribe aspirin for Ita’s fever?
(a) She is already taking high doses of it.
(b) Her fever will resolve itself naturally,
(c) It has poisoned some patients.
(d) She is allergic to it.

14. What is NOT a reason that Dr. Lynn gives for allowing Juiia to give medicine without a doctor's authority?
(a) Julia is competent.
(b) Midwives are now considered doctors because of the war.
(c) Dr. Lynn is busy with half a dozen wards.
(d) Julia is given permission to give a limited number of medical treatments, including alcohol, chloroform, or morphine.

15. From what symptoms does Ita suffer, when the reader first meets her?
(a) She is delirious and feverish.
(b) She is feverish and in labor.
(c) She is delirious and violent.
(d) She is coughing and sneezing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the reason Julia gives for why Dr. Lynn comes to help at the hospital?

2. Of what faith is it assumed Dr. Lynn is?

3. What is used instead of cotton swabs due to a shortage?

4. What causes Julia concern, more so than Ita's bluing nail beds?

5. How does Mary think babies are born?

(see the answer keys)

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