The Pull of the Stars Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pull of the Stars Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Blue.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Groyne annoy Julia?
(a) He fancies himself a singer and makes up euphemisms for death.
(b) He smells bad.
(c) He is very quiet and awkward.
(d) He is mean to her.

2. When Sister Luke does not believe Honor’s prayers are sincere, she says it is because a year of praying did nothing to reclaim what?
(a) Love of Jesus.
(b) Her Nibs.
(c) Sense of self.
(d) Sanity.

3. After Delia wakes from the sedative, why does Julia want to get her up in a seated position?
(a) So she can let her know what has happened to her and her baby.
(b) So her uterus could drain.
(c) So she could feed her.
(d) So she can dress her.

4. What does the warrant for Dr. Lynn's arrest state?
(a) She is suspected of acting or having acted or being about to act in a manner prejudicial to the public safety.
(b) She is being suspected of murdering military personnel.
(c) She is a suspect in a robbery case.
(d) She is in the country illegally.

5. As Julia waits for the tram in "Blue," about what does a man sing?
(a) Not wanting to catch the flu.
(b) Not wanting to go to work.
(c) Not wanting to go to war.
(d) Not wanting to get married.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plant is found in the Blue Mountains of Australia?

2. What time of day does Bridie say she hates?

3. A first birth often takes how many hours of pushing, according to Julia?

4. Why does a tear drop onto Julia’s skirt near the beginning of "Blue" on her birthday?

5. Why does Julia not wear a mask?

(see the answer key)

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