The Public Image Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Public Image Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Billy find when he examines Frederick's bedroom?

2. When the doctor sees Annabel, what does he think about her?

3. What does Annabel say at the inquest?

4. How do Annabel's feelings change, a little while after she has heard Frederick's note to his mother?

5. What frightens Billy at the hotel window at night, when he and Annabel are talking?

Short Essay Questions

1. Billy started to tell Annabel about Frederick's suicide notes, and when his words had finally registered, she got hysterical and began to scream. Was Annabel having a sort of mini breakdown?

2. Annabel left the flat and she went back to the hotel, along with Billy and the baby. She noticed that her suitcases were open and commented on it to Billy. He told her that it was probably the police investigating because Suicide is a criminal offense in Rome. What did Annabel say?

3. When she returned to her room, Tom asked her why she had turned over the letters to the inquest, saying that she didn't have to do that. How did she answer him?

4. Luigi tells Annabel that she will have to have a new public image if the accusations in Frederick's notes get out. He tells Annabel that she should go away for a while. Then he asks her if she would consider it. How does Annabel respond?

5. Annabel went to the inquest and when she was called, she said that there were some special notes left among Frederick's papers. There was a loud murmur of surprise in the courtroom, the letters were taken from her and the inquest was adjourned until 4P.M. How did Billy react to her action?

6. Danya, who Annabel was going to visit in the hospital, had told many nurses and several doctors that she had been in love with Frederick along with numerous other young women. How does her meeting with Annabel go?

7. Luigi came to see Annabel and he told her that she had been wonderful on television. The orgy story is killed. Everyone knows that Frederick died after being pursued by many woman. Will Annabel have Marina at the inquest?

8. Annabel is wide awake, after her sedation, and wants to know why all her friends haven't been in touch. What has happened with all the people she knows? Is she worried that they have turned against her?

9. Tom called Annabel before he saw her, to discuss the notes which Billy had called him about the night before. He said that Billy wanted a huge sum of money or he would reveal the contents. How did Tom respond to Annable's question of what would happen to her if she didn't pay?

10. When the phone rang insistently in Annabel's room, despite instructions to hold calls, Billy answered it and said the police were downstairs. What would the police want?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Frederick's party, planned to take place at the time of his self destruction, is mind boggling. Discuss Frederick's personality and his state of mind. Was he crazy or totally self absorbed?

Essay Topic 2

Frederick and Annabel have a manufactured public image. Is this image perceived differently by each of them? Discuss the differences. Do they regard their public images as a good thing or not?

Essay Topic 3

Annabel is characterized by Frederick as superficial and shallow. On what does he base those characterizations? Is his opinion supported by others? Do Annabel's actions support such characterizations?

(see the answer keys)

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