The Public Image Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Public Image Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Annabel's baby?

2. How does the doctor avoid crowds at the hospital morgue with Annabel?

3. Who are the unexpected people who come to Annabel's flat?

4. How does Frederick feel about leaving Annabel?

5. How does Annabel want to deal with the press?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the relationship of Billy O'Brien to the Christopher family?

2. Annabel had a brief affair with an American drama student who was playing a small part in one of her films. How did this affect her marriage?

3. Despite Annabel's few unsuccessful calls to some friends, Billy was the one who got did get everyone to leave Annabel's flat and end the out of control party. What did Billy say to Annabel about Frederick not showing up at the party and how did he help Annabel?

4. In Chapter II, we learn that "The House on the Piazza" was the film that established Annabel's reputation. However, the film itself did not draw crowds and was considered lifeless. How did Frederick view the film?

5. The last guest to come to Annabel's flat was Dr.Tommasi. Why was he there and how did Annabel receive the news he came to deliver?

6. Annabel made a second film and then she was to make a next film. Rumors were that Frederick was to play a leading role. What actually happened to Frederick?

7. Annabel was now the principal wage earner. Frederick's intellectual aspect and dignity were possible because of what Annabel earned. How did Frederick feel about this?

8. Dr.Tommasi brings Annabel to her flat where the press is waiting for her. She tells the doctor she needs a half hour to see her baby and then she wants to see the press, but she wants all her neighbors to be with her. Why is Annabel asking for her neighbors to be with her?

9. "The House on the Piazza" did not garner great reviews for the film, but how did it help Annabel's acting career?

10. One afternoon as Annabel is waiting for Frederick, Billy O'Brien lets himself in with the key that Frederick had given to him. Billy is rude and arrogant and demands food, which Annabel prepares. Billy says that Frederick has threatened suicide and Annabel says he has done the same with her. Should they have taken his threats more seriously?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What exactly is meant by a public image and how is it achieved? How did having a public image affect the lives of Annabel and Frederick? Without their public images, how different do you think Annabel and Frederick's lives would have been?

Essay Topic 2

Frederick and Annabel have a manufactured public image. Is this image perceived differently by each of them? Discuss the differences. Do they regard their public images as a good thing or not?

Essay Topic 3

Billy, Annabel and Frederick were longtime friends. Have they remained friends? What is the ongoing relationship between Annabel and Billy? Is Billy trustworthy? Does he have ulterior motives for his friendship?

(see the answer keys)

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