The Public Image Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Public Image Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls from the downstairs desk in the hotel, asking for Annabel?
(a) The Press.
(b) Some neighbors.
(c) Francesca.
(d) The police.

2. When the phone rings after Billy mentions the notes, who does Annabel think is calling?
(a) Francesca.
(b) Dr.Tommasi.
(c) Golly.
(d) Luigi .

3. Where does Annabel want to go, the next morning after Frederick's death?
(a) To the funeral home.
(b) To Church.
(c) To the hotel.
(d) To a neighbor's flat.

4. What word does Annabel use to describe Frederick?
(a) Weak.
(b) Dangerous.
(c) Manipulative.
(d) Crazy.

5. What does Billy find when he examines Frederick's bedroom?
(a) Frederick's will.
(b) Frederick's love letters.
(c) Frederick's manuscripts.
(d) Frederick's papers and notes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Annabel do when she is shown the note that her husband's mistress received?

2. How has Tom found out about the notes?

3. What does the hotel provide for the baby to sleep on?

4. Why would the suit cases have been searched?

5. What does Billy speak to Annabel about in the hotel?

Short Essay Questions

1. How long has Frederick's mother been dead and why write to her?

2. Billy hands the notes from Frederick to Annabel and she starts to read. What is her reaction when she has finished?

3. After the press conference, Billy let himself into Annabel's flat, bringing the papers. Annabel was not pleased to see Billy because she was afraid the neighbors would talk. How did she feel after she saw the papers?

4. Marina comes to Annabel's hotel to talk about the note Frederick had sent her. Annabel offers to pay her bills and says that she need not come to the inquest. Had Marina made a photo-copy?

5. When she returned to her room, Tom asked her why she had turned over the letters to the inquest, saying that she didn't have to do that. How did she answer him?

6. Luigi had called the hotel many times and when Annabel got his messages, she called him and he came to the hotel on Sunday. He read the letters and wanted to know if there were any more. Annabel told him that Billy said no. What did Luigi believe?

7. When the phone rang insistently in Annabel's room, despite instructions to hold calls, Billy answered it and said the police were downstairs. What would the police want?

8. What causes Billy to freak out when he sees something go by Annabel's hotel window at night?

9. Annabel went to the inquest and when she was called, she said that there were some special notes left among Frederick's papers. There was a loud murmur of surprise in the courtroom, the letters were taken from her and the inquest was adjourned until 4P.M. How did Billy react to her action?

10. Annabel was at the airport, waiting for the plane to Greece. With anonymity, she had bought a ticket and prepared to board a plane. How is it possible to feel free and unfree?

(see the answer keys)

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