The Public Image Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Public Image Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens after the party when everyone leaves and Annabel turns out the light?
(a) The doorbell rings and then Billy opens the door with his key.
(b) Annabel tells people without really seeing them, that they had to leave.
(c) She closes the door in Billy's face and tells him to go.
(d) She runs back into the apartment.

2. What family does Annabel have?
(a) Annabel has a mother.
(b) Annabel has an older sister.
(c) Annabel has two cousins.
(d) Annabel has a brother.

3. When Giorgio goes out, how are Annabel's neighbors arranged?
(a) All around the room.
(b) Sitting and standing with folded arms as if to protect her.
(c) They start to leave as if to give her space.
(d) In a circle to keep Annabel safe.

4. A few months after Frederick's death, when Annabel reflects on what has happened, what does she think?
(a) How poorly suited they have been.
(b) How little she has known about him.
(c) How much she has loved him.
(d) How little she has loved him.

5. How does Annabel manage to buy a flat in Italy at a good price?
(a) Annabel pays for professional help.
(b) Frederick and his friends help.
(c) Annabel depends on her importance as a movie star to get help.
(d) Annabel asks her acquaintances to help her.

6. Who is the first character we meet as the book begins?
(a) The gardener.
(b) Frederick.
(c) The Secretary.
(d) Annabel.

7. How does Annabel respond to Giorgio?
(a) Her eyes fill with tears.
(b) She hands him the baby to hold.
(c) She talks about Frederick.
(d) She begins to sob out loud.

8. Worried about gossip after the party ends, what does Annabel do?
(a) Annabel asks a guest tohelp her dospose of some of the liquor.
(b) Annabel carries an unopened vodka bottle from the kitchen to the bath room and pours it down the lavatory.
(c) Annabel tries to hide liquor in the bath room but there's an unconscious man lying on the floor.
(d) Annabel hides other bottles in the hall closet.

9. How does Annabel want to deal with the press?
(a) She wants her press secretary to speak with them.
(b) She wants to avoid them at all costs.
(c) She wants to see them on her own terms, when it's convenient for her.
(d) She wants to hide in a hotel.

10. Why has the doctor come to Annabel's flat?
(a) To see if Annabel called earlier about the baby.
(b) To explain why he hasn't come to help her earlier.
(c) To tell Annabel that her husband is dead.
(d) To tell Annabel that no one can find Frederick.

11. How does Frederick deal with Annabel's growing success?
(a) Frederick stays home all day and read all the books he had always wanted to.
(b) Frederick refuses to see any of her movies.
(c) Frederick tries to find additional parts for her so that she will make more money
(d) Frederick takes roles offered in plays byStrindberg,Ibsen, Marlow and Chekhov

12. Who does Annabel actually call for help at the party?
(a) Dr. Tommasi.
(b) Kurt.
(c) Billy.
(d) Golly.

13. What unusual event happens outside of Annabel's flat at 6:30 p.m.?
(a) A group of people, who look like friends of Billy's, come to the door.
(b) People come to take her to a party.
(c) Some people come to her door in error, meaning to go to her neighbors' apartments.
(d) Her neighbors all come to visit her.

14. Who opens Annabel's door and walks in without ringing the bell?
(a) The housemaid.
(b) A curious neighbor.
(c) The Nurse.
(d) Billy.

15. What does Annabel do to keep Frederick with her while she makes more films in Italy?
(a) Annabel asks Frederick's mother to care for the baby in Rome.
(b) Annabel promises Frederick she will move back to England in a year.
(c) Annabel finds a job for Billy in Rome.
(d) Annabel promises Frederick she will ask Luigi to get him an acting part in his next picture.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter III, what does Annabel know of Frederick's whereabouts?

2. What sort of club is Giorgio's club?

3. How does Annabel act when she arrives in Italy?

4. What does Annabel say when asked by the press about how Frederick died?

5. How does Annabel feel when the Press comes in?

(see the answer keys)

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