The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the author choose the definition of the spirit of capitalism used in this book?
(a) All of these.
(b) There are no religious ties.
(c) It is pure.
(d) conceptions.

2. Why do some laborers prefer to find loopholes in the system?
(a) They have no motivation for growth.
(b) They are a laborer and not a master.
(c) They are not honest in nature.
(d) They have no loyalty.

3. How was Calvinism different than the Catholic church?
(a) It was more forgiving.
(b) It was more accessible.
(c) It was much more controlling.
(d) It was more scripture based.

4. What structure in government is most affected by Capitalism?
(a) Social.
(b) Occupational.
(c) All of these.
(d) Educational.

5. What kind of control did Reformers want to see?
(a) Ethical.
(b) Marital.
(c) Religious.
(d) Moral.

6. Who established the Southern colonies?
(a) Capitalists.
(b) Nationalists.
(c) Religious idealists.
(d) Political extremists.

7. What countries does the author say are the most religious?
(a) Southern countries.
(b) European countries.
(c) Bi-lingual countries.
(d) Developed countries.

8. Where has Capitalism been the most successful?
(a) England.
(b) Asia.
(c) Europe.
(d) America.

9. Why does Pieter de la Court say people work?
(a) They are poor.
(b) They are bored.
(c) They are desperate.
(d) They are stupid.

10. How did the middle class feel about the Reformation?
(a) They accepted it.
(b) They loved it.
(c) They fought it.
(d) They didn't know about it.

11. Why does the author choose to define the spirit of capitalism?
(a) For the thinning out of information.
(b) For the ease of writing.
(c) For the sake of illustration.
(d) For the sake of discussion.

12. What does the Catholic church lower the importance of?
(a) Family relationships.
(b) Scriptural teachings.
(c) Cooperation with other religions.
(d) Worldly wealth.

13. What does the author say Protestant religions always have a spirit of?
(a) Success.
(b) Kindness.
(c) Anger.
(d) Hard work.

14. What practice will be enhanced the most by the author's list of do's?
(a) Skills practice.
(b) Relationship practice.
(c) All of these.
(d) Business practice.

15. How is the percentage of Catholic graduates in Bavaria in relation to Protestants?
(a) They are much less.
(b) They are lagging.
(c) They are ahead.
(d) They are the same.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the author say men should spend money?

2. How is the percentage of Protestant graduates in Hungary in relation to Catholics?

3. What must there be a surplus of for Capitalism to succeed?

4. What do most Catholics do in school?

5. What do the Catholics frown on the Protestants for?

(see the answer keys)

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