The Prophets Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prophets Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Heschel points out that having a friendship with God doesn't mean what?
(a) That we are equal with God.
(b) That we can understand everything about God.
(c) That we can stop seeking God.
(d) That we can get what we ask for.

2. What attitude does Heschel take to other points of view that he uses in his book?
(a) Derogatory.
(b) Supportive.
(c) Respectful.
(d) Disparaging.

3. According to Heschel, the prophetic act takes place when the prophet is aware of what?
(a) The belief that something is happening to him.
(b) The source of his inspiration is God.
(c) The lack of knowledge about who is the source of his inspiration.
(d) The lack of complete consciousness.

4. What does Heschel believe drives a person's desire for ecstasy?
(a) Desire to be different.
(b) Desire to leave the every day world.
(c) Desire to pray more deeply.
(d) Desire to be connected to gods.

5. What did the prophets talk about in addition to God's wrath and judgment?
(a) His knowledge.
(b) His vengeance.
(c) His wisdom.
(d) His love.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the origin of pathos?

2. Why did some scholars reject the idea of pathos?

3. To be a prophet means to identify one's concern with what?

4. What subject area did Philo develop?

5. Some writers in the Bible say that emotions and feelings have been inspired by whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Heschel call indifference evil?

2. Describe one view of ecstasy and prophets that Heschel describes.

3. What is one difference between apathy and pathos, as explained by Heschel?

4. Describe one theory that Heschel discusses regarding prophets and their revelations from God.

5. How does Heschel think much of the Bible should be looked at?

6. How does Heschel describe God?

7. Describe one theory of the state of mind of the prophets at the time they were receiving the words of God.

8. How does Heschel describe Tao as an antithesis to the prophetic idea of God?

9. What is anthropopathy?

10. What is the purpose of ecstasy, as explained by Heschel?

(see the answer keys)

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