The Prophets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prophets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Heschel looks at the theory of ecstasy but limits it to what?
(a) Old Testament prophets.
(b) The literary prophets.
(c) The post-exilic prophets.
(d) Early prophets.

2. What were the prophets overwhelmed with in addition to emotion?
(a) The need to go off and pray.
(b) The need to speak with God.
(c) The need to be respected.
(d) The need for action.

3. What does Heschel define as the belief in the temporary separation of the soul from the body when a person is asleep, sick, or in a trance state?
(a) Sympathy.
(b) Pathos.
(c) Prophecy.
(d) Ecstasy.

4. Heschel says that Moses would have taught what kinds of rules of right living to the people?
(a) Complex rules.
(b) Bizarre rules.
(c) Unusual rules.
(d) Simple rules.

5. Heschel points out that God's wrath is what?
(a) Terrible.
(b) Like people's wrath.
(c) Righteous and just.
(d) Vengeful.

6. In ancient times, Israel only knew God as what?
(a) Loving.
(b) Redemptive.
(c) Impassible.
(d) Mysterious and terrible.

7. In contrast to the Stoic sage, Heschel characterizes the prophet as what?
(a) Homo sapiens.
(b) Homo apathetikos.
(c) Homo sympathetikos.
(d) Sui generis.

8. When the pathos of God is upon a prophet what happens?
(a) He becomes angry.
(b) He becomes compassionate.
(c) He becomes apathetic.
(d) He becomes overwhelmed.

9. What prophet did God send to Nineveh?
(a) Jonah.
(b) Jeremiah.
(c) Micah.
(d) Amos.

10. Heschel describes God as what?
(a) The ultimate source of the universe.
(b) Someone who cannot be described.
(c) The ultimate judge.
(d) Father.

11. The prophet's attitude toward divine reality is described as what?
(a) Mercy.
(b) Compassion.
(c) Sympathy.
(d) Pathos.

12. Heschel uses prophets from what regions or religions that used ecstasy to verify his viewpoint?
(a) Islam and Mesopotamia.
(b) Egypt and Greek.
(c) Egypt and Mesopotamia.
(d) Shiite and Greek.

13. Why did some scholars reject the idea of pathos?
(a) Because of its origins.
(b) Because it involved emotions.
(c) Because it didn't involve emotions.
(d) Because it isn't mentioned in the Bible.

14. Heschel points out that having a friendship with God doesn't mean what?
(a) That we can get what we ask for.
(b) That we can stop seeking God.
(c) That we can understand everything about God.
(d) That we are equal with God.

15. Jeremiah the prophet said that God delights in what?
(a) Repentance.
(b) Kindness.
(c) The covenant.
(d) Vengeance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who declared ecstasy to be a definitive mark of a prophet?

2. According to Heschel, the prophetic act takes place when the prophet is aware of what?

3. How is God's love to man shown?

4. Some writers in the Bible say that emotions and feelings have been inspired by whom?

5. What subject area did Philo develop?

(see the answer keys)

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