The Promise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Promise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what school is Greenfield earning his Ph.D.?
(a) MIT.
(b) Colombia.
(c) Harvard.
(d) Stanford.

2. Why is Rav Kalman's orthodoxy so entrenched?
(a) Because he knows he is right.
(b) Because of the horrific events of the holocaust.
(c) Because of the beatings by his father when Rav Kalman is young.
(d) No one knows why.

3. Who is Abe Greenfield?
(a) The young man Rachel is dating.
(b) Danny's cousin.
(c) A student in Reuven's class at seminary.
(d) A friend with whom Reuven is sailing.

4. What does Kalman keep telling Reuven as far as Reuven himself is concerned?
(a) Kalman believes Reuven is misguided by his father.
(b) Kalman does not know what to do with Reuven.
(c) Kalman thinks Reuven is not suited to being a Rabbi.
(d) Kalman thinks Reuven would be better as a hands-on Rabbi rather than a theoretical one.

5. What does Reuven read that infuriates him?
(a) A letter from Michael to his father.
(b) A note from Rav Kalman to him.
(c) The second half of Kalman's article about David Malter's book.
(d) A letter from Rachel to Danny.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kalman do in protest about the planned changes at his school?

2. Who asks Danny to visit?

3. What film do Danny and Reuven and their dates go to see?

4. According to David Malter, how do scribal errors influence his interpretation of texts?

5. To whom does Kalman apologize?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is David Malter's recent book release still affecting the community?

2. What do Reuven and Professor Gordon discuss when Reuven visits him?

3. What happens when Reuven goes in to Michael's room to see him after the fire?

4. What does Reuven think about the reason for orthodox Jews to become so stubborn?

5. What is the essential argument of the second part of Rav Kalman's article attacking David Malter's book?

6. What does Danny think about isolation and what does Danny want Reuven to do?

7. What does Danny give Michael and what does Michael say about it to Reuven?

8. What does Danny's father want to learn and what is his reaction when Reuven tells him?

9. What do Danny, Rachel, Reuven and Eileen go to see and what is their response?

10. What is the impact of David Malter's book and Kalman's ensuing article on the Yeshiva where David teaches?

(see the answer keys)

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