The Promise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Promise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Reuven say he has no right to be angry?
(a) Kalman's actions.
(b) Who Rachel is becoming serious with romantically.
(c) Reuven does not talk about being angry.
(d) The reception of his father's book.

2. Who asks Reuven to talk with Michael?
(a) Rachel Gordon.
(b) Professor Gordon.
(c) Reuven's father.
(d) Danny.

3. What is one major point of Gordon's "theology"?
(a) All religions worship the same god.
(b) Jews can fail to believe but remain observant.
(c) Theology is not necessary in the modern world.
(d) God is a product of the sum of all souls.

4. Of what does Kalman remind Reuven?
(a) That Professor Gordon is suspected of destroying valuable documents.
(b) That Reuven's father would not approve of Reuven's behavior.
(c) That Professor Gordon is excommunicated.
(d) That Reuven is going to be a Hasidic Rabbi.

5. What past experience of Rabbi Kalman's does Reuven mention?
(a) Fleeing Germany New Zealand in the late 1930s.
(b) Being interned in a concentration camp.
(c) Fighting in the Jewish underground in Germany.
(d) The death of the Rabbi's oldest daughter.

6. What book does Reuven read by Kalman on the subway?
(a) A book on the reasons for excommunication of a member of the Jewish community.
(b) A book about some very obscure passages in the Talmud.
(c) A book on ethics.
(d) A book on interpreting techniques.

7. What does Danny say about Michael?
(a) He is just suffering from adolescent hormones.
(b) There is nothing wrong with him.
(c) He is quite mentally ill.
(d) He is only mildly neurotic.

8. Where does Reuven encounter Professor Gordon?
(a) The library.
(b) At Ellis Island.
(c) The zoo.
(d) At the hospital while visiting Michael.

9. Who is Rachel Gorden?
(a) The narrator's grandmama.
(b) A traveling circus member.
(c) A woman the narrator meets at a Spring party.
(d) The neighborhood rabbi's daughter.

10. Who is the Jewish, elderly man who comes up to Reuven, Rachel and Michael?
(a) A visiting Rabbi from Israel.
(b) The booth attendant's father.
(c) The local Rabbi.
(d) Michael's grandfather.

11. What does Reuven hear about Michael?
(a) That Michael is in a permanent facility for the mentally ill.
(b) Very little.
(c) That Michael is doing quite well.
(d) That his case appears hopeless.

12. Why does Michael hate orthodox Jews?
(a) He does not hate them; he is fascinated with them.
(b) Because they make other Jews look unholy.
(c) Because the girl he likes father is one and he will not allow them to see each other.
(d) Because they are fanatics and hypocrites.

13. What does the narrator decide to do?
(a) Join the army.
(b) Move to Israel.
(c) Return to Eurpoe after it is rebuilt.
(d) Go to rabbinical school.

14. Who has gotten in fist fights with others?
(a) Rachel's brother.
(b) Reuven's youngest brother.
(c) Michael.
(d) Danny's youngest brother.

15. What does Kalman have Reuven read aloud?
(a) The laws of ex-communication.
(b) Parts of Kalman's newest publication.
(c) Texts by Gemora.
(d) The writ of excommication of Professor Gordon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Michael burn?

2. About what does Michael feel bad?

3. How is Rachel's aunt helping Professor Gordon?

4. Whose class is Reuven in at the opening of Chapter 6?

5. How does Reuven describe Professor Gordon?

(see the answer keys)

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