The Professor's House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Professor's House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Professor's biggest regret about not going on the third trip with Outland?
(a) He wanted to see the Luxembourg Gardens with him.
(b) He wanted to visit his foster family.
(c) He wanted to see the Eifel Tower with him.
(d) He wanted to find the young girl he tried to give flowers to.

2. Where does Blake put the bills that he won in the poker game?
(a) Inside the band of his hat.
(b) In the lining of his coat.
(c) In his shoe.
(d) In his pocket.

3. Whom is the Professor named after?
(a) An uncle.
(b) His father.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) An aunt.

4. What does Louie want to do with the furniture in his house before they all leave on their trip?
(a) Give it away to Goodwill.
(b) Give it to Scott and Kathleen.
(c) Donate it to the college.
(d) Give it to the Professor and Lillian.

5. What does Outland have to clean up after the German man leaves the mesa?
(a) The mesa floor.
(b) The cabin.
(c) The horse stalls.
(d) The ruins.

6. Where do Outland and Blake go to join their cattle for the first time?
(a) Up the river to the mountains.
(b) By the Blue Mesa.
(c) Over the plains to Durango.
(d) By the Colorado River.

7. How much does Blake sell his horse for?
(a) $60.00.
(b) $350.00.
(c) $200.00.
(d) $10.00.

8. Why does the Professor NOT prepare for the fall school term?
(a) He does not feel he will be alive long enough to see it.
(b) He is tired and believes he is sick.
(c) He does not need to prepare; he has taught the same course so many times.
(d) He wants to spend the extra time in his garden.

9. How does Outland describe the people who work in Washington?
(a) Free from everyday hard labor.
(b) Like too many mice in a cage.
(c) Hundreds of little black-coated men pouring out of white buildings.
(d) Men and women using their brains and not their backs.

10. When Blake passes out after the poker game, where does the gold lie?
(a) In his hat.
(b) On his dresser.
(c) In his pockets.
(d) All over the floor.

11. When Outland returns to the mesa from Washington, how did he feel about it?
(a) That he is seeing it for the first time.
(b) He hates it.
(c) He never wants to leave.
(d) It makes him lonely.

12. What does Outland find when he got inside the mesa?
(a) American Indians.
(b) An ancient city built into the cliffs.
(c) Special plants he has never seen before.
(d) Blankets.

13. What do the men call the discovery they find in Eagle's Nest?
(a) Father Time.
(b) The Seeds of Nature.
(c) Mother Eve.
(d) Golden Pots.

14. What color is the water in the natural springs in the mesa?
(a) Brown.
(b) Red.
(c) Colorless.
(d) Green

15. How does Henry die?
(a) He dies of food poisoning.
(b) He falls into the canyon.
(c) He dies of an asthma attack.
(d) A snake bites him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Outland put Blake's money that he won in the poker game?

2. Who buys all the ancient objects excavated from Cliff City from Blake?

3. Where do the Professor and Outland travel the second time?

4. Where did the Professor and Outland plan to travel for their third trip?

5. What does Outland do when he stays out on the mesa alone after his trip to Washington?

(see the answer keys)

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