The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Yergin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Yergin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who took over leadership of Standard from Rockefeller?
(a) Immanuel Nobel
(b) John Mellon
(c) John D. Archibold
(d) Daniel Rockefeller

2. What method of delivery for oil did the oil companies settle on to avoid teamster conflicts?
(a) Pipelines
(b) Boats
(c) Tanker trucks
(d) Trains

3. In August 1928, Deterding met where with Heinrich Riedemann of Jersey Standard-Germany, Cadman of APOC, William Mellon of Gulf, Robert Stewart of Indiana and others to discuss the oil industry?
(a) Scotland
(b) Moscow
(c) Nepal
(d) Paris

4. Which Swedish inventor established a considerable industrial company in Russia?
(a) Nicklas Lidstrom
(b) Auguste Comte
(c) Immanuel Nobel
(d) Nils von Dardel

5. Who stepped in to restore order as majors and independents feuded in the United States?
(a) United States Automobile Association (USAA)
(b) California Oil Association (COA)
(c) Texas Railroad Commission (TRC)
(d) North American Oil Commission (NAOC)

6. Which country was not represented at the meeting?
(a) Russia
(b) The United States
(c) Germany
(d) England

7. What was key to Hitler's aggression toward Russia?
(a) Baku oil
(b) Russia's alliance with the United States
(c) Synthetic oils
(d) Wanting to defeat Stalin

8. What lead to instigating gasoline rationing in England?
(a) German U-boats use of oil
(b) A broken pipeline
(c) Taxi cabs
(d) German control of Persia

9. The deals between countries and oil companies for royalties and other fees were referred to as what?
(a) Fifty/Fifty Deals
(b) Ten/Ninety Deals
(c) Twenty/Eighty Deals
(d) Sixty/Forty Deals

10. The "Neutral Zone" was between Saudi Arabia and which other country?
(a) Kuwait
(b) Egypt
(c) Syria
(d) Iraq

11. In 1947, the Interior Department started a program to stockpile how many barrels of oil each day?
(a) Four thousand
(b) Two million
(c) Six hundred
(d) Eight hundred thousand

12. What remained important in finding oil in the 1920s?
(a) Luck
(b) Geological studies
(c) Communication
(d) Aerial pictures

13. What product grew rapidly after its first delivery to England in 1861?
(a) Gasoline
(b) Kerosene
(c) Vasoline
(d) Naphtha

14. Who did FDR meet with at the Suez Canal Zone after Yalta?
(a) Erwin Rommel
(b) Ibn Saud
(c) David McNaughton
(d) Joseph Stalin

15. Who did FDR appoint to head the Department of the Interior, in addition to the newly created positions of Oil Administrator and Public Works Administrator?
(a) Thomas Stirling
(b) Adam Joiner
(c) August Hogg
(d) Harold Ickes

Short Answer Questions

1. Outside the U.S., oil exploration in the Western Hemisphere centered where?

2. Japan's original war plan was that how much oil would be sufficient for victory?

3. Who toured the Middle East and believed it to be "the greatest prize in history" because of its oil?

4. Who published a book on the history of Standard Oil Company?

5. The Rothschilds created what company in 1902?

(see the answer keys)

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