The Prince and the Pauper Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince and the Pauper Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hertford ask Tom in Chapter 14?
(a) If he has seen the tailor for his coronation robes.
(b) If he wants to dine with Lady Jane that night.
(c) Where the great seal is located.
(d) What he wants for dinner.

2. What does Mrs. Canty think about Edward?
(a) He is telling the truth.
(b) He must have been hit on the head.
(c) He is drunk.
(d) There is something different about him.

3. How do Tom's siblings and his mother treat him?
(a) With indifference.
(b) With inconsistency.
(c) With harshness.
(d) With kindness.

4. What does the person whom the narrator quotes describe?
(a) A battle between England and France.
(b) A duel between two members of royalty.
(c) The gorgeous banquet room, the food, and royalty in attendance.
(d) The burning of Joan of Arc.

5. What has Yokel been forced to do?
(a) Change his name.
(b) Steal.
(c) Kill.
(d) Leave his wife and children.

6. What does Jane Grey's visit to Edward's room accomplish?
(a) Starts a rumor that he is crazy.
(b) Convinces Tom that his scheme will work.
(c) Makes Tom hide from everyone.
(d) Gets Tom into serious trouble.

7. How does Tom feel about his discovery in Chapter 14?
(a) Confused.
(b) Happy.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Sad.

8. How does Edward do with Mrs. Canty's test?
(a) It seems to prove he is not Tom.
(b) He seems to be Tom.
(c) She doesn't get a chance to test him.
(d) He refuses the test.

9. Who sees Tom to help him recover from his madness?
(a) Lady Jane Grey.
(b) Lord St. John and Lord Hertford.
(c) The court alchemist.
(d) The court priest, Father Nathaniel.

10. What does Edward observe when he wakes in a barn?
(a) Everyone has left him.
(b) John has killed an intruder.
(c) People sitting around a campfire in the barn.
(d) A red sunrise.

11. What is the mission of the church where the lost prince goes after leaving the palace?
(a) To be a foster home for poor children.
(b) To teach the lower class how to read.
(c) To assist families of soldiers who have been killed.
(d) To train poor kids on how to be a soldier.

12. To where do Tom, Jane, and Elizabeth walk?
(a) The begging corner.
(b) The church.
(c) The palace.
(d) The Guildhall.

13. What does the king tell Hertford to use for signing orders?
(a) Red wax, not black.
(b) The prince's seal.
(c) The king's signature.
(d) The small travel seal.

14. Who stands around Tom while he eats?
(a) Guards.
(b) The kitchen staff.
(c) Waiters.
(d) Courtiers.

15. Of what does the prince dream when he sleeps that night?
(a) John Canty kills him.
(b) Tom has fooled his father.
(c) He is back in the palace.
(d) His mother finds him.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Edward escape?

2. What does Tom examine with his uncle?

3. How far apart are Tom and Edward's birthdays?

4. In what ceremony does Tom have to participate in Chapter 9?

5. What makes Hertford happy when he sees Tom after Tom talks to Humphrey?

(see the answer keys)

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