The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ages do the girls become in Chapter 5?

2. What does Sandy tell Monica it is impossible to do if loyalty is due to that person?

3. What does Sandy say about sex that year?

4. What are the first names of the Kerr sisters?

5. To whom does Miss Brodie compare Hitler?

Short Essay Questions

1. How many of the Brodie set are attending Blaine by the final year of school and where has the ones not attending gone?

2. How does Sandy end up helping Miss Mackay get rid of Miss Brodie?

3. Of what does Sandy feel deprived and who is influenced by this?

4. What does Sandy see when she looks at Mr. Lloyd’s paintings?

5. What do the Kerr sisters tell the headmistress about concerning Mr. Lowther?

6. Who quizzes the girls in 1937 about Miss Brodie and how do the girls feel about Miss Brodie by that year?

7. What does Mr. Lowther receive from the Kerr sisters and when does it begin?

8. Where does Miss Brodie vacation in the school year 1932 – 1933 and what does she say when she returns from vacation?

9. Upon whom does Miss Brodie say all of Miss Brodie’s ambitions are fixed and why?

10. What happens to Joyce Emily and why?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Titles often play a vital role in making a person decide to read a particular book. Discuss the following:

Fully explain why you think The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is titled as such. Do you think it is the best title for the book? Why or why not? What do you think would be another interesting title for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and why do you think that? How important is a title in influencing you to consider reading a book? Do you think a title needs to have direct relevance to a book's content? Explain your answer.

Essay Topic 2

Many readers of fiction place themselves in the position of one character, wondering if they would do the same thing as that character. Discuss the following:

Do you think one of the values of literature is to serve as a reflection of oneself? Why or why not? Socrates said "Know thyself." How can reading a book such as The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie help a reader to know him/herself? Do you find yourself reflecting on your own character and abilities when reading The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie? Why or why not. Use examples from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and your own life to support your answer.

Essay Topic 3

Characters are an integral and important part of almost all novels. Discuss the following:

Compare/contrast the characters of Sandy Stranger and Eunice Gardiner . How are they similar? How are they different? Is there a flaw in each of their personalities? Be specific and give examples. Compare/contrast the characters of Miss Brodie and Miss Mackay. Compare and contrast Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Lowther. How do they seem different? Which do you like more? Why? Which one seems more of a well-rounded character?

(see the answer keys)

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