The Prestige Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prestige Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Angier take to improve his new version of In A Flash, from the first performance to the second?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Two months.
(c) One month.
(d) One year.

2. What does Angier do when Tesla increases the price charge for creating the apparatus Angier wants?
(a) Angier agrees to pay it.
(b) Angier laughs and refuses to pay any more than the original price.
(c) Angier barders with a counter-offer.
(d) Angier gets angry and leaves.

3. What do Angier and Telsa realize after two 'failures' that the machine is actually doing?
(a) Changing the original object's color.
(b) Duplicating the original object.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Moving the original object.

4. Why has Angier incorporated grease and special lighting into his performance?
(a) To appear ill.
(b) To distract the audience from what he is really doing to make the illusion happen.
(c) To hide his bald spot while performing.
(d) To appear more tan and muscular while performing.

5. There are three years where Angier records minimal information. Which of the following is NOT something he records?
(a) He bought a house.
(b) The names of his magic tricks.
(c) He becomes the most sought after magician in London.
(d) His yearly incomes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first living subject Tesla's machine is tested on?

2. After ten years of no entries, what does Angier describe in detail?

3. Gerald Root attempts to _____________ Angier.

4. On whose behalf is Koenig trying to sell something to Angier in Section 14, Part 4?

5. What does Olivia say the word(s) mean which are written on the object she gives Angier in their final meeting?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Angier react to Borden's illusion, the New Transported Man, the first time he witnesses it?

2. What are Angier's two life goals by Section 10, Part 4?

3. How does Olivia Svenson enter Angier's life?

4. How does Angier manage to perform Borden's New Transporting Man illusion without knowing how Borden does it?

5. What is the big twist at the end of Section 13, Part 4?

6. What does Angier do with his extra time when he is performing near the town Hastings, prior to his American tour?

7. What does Arthur Koenig bring to sell to Angier, and what does Angier think of it?

8. What does Angier note as the outcome of Borden pushing Julia down during one of their seances?

9. What personal and professional types of retaliation does Borden demonstrate against Angier in Section 9, Part 4?

10. There are two Angiers by Section 14, Part 4. Describe the Angier narrating.

(see the answer keys)

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