The Predators' Ball Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Connie Bruck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Predators' Ball Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Connie Bruck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3: Chapter 10, 'Drexel is like a God'.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who becomes Milken's ally and public face in 1974?
(a) Khun Loeb
(b) Cary Grant
(c) Tubby Burnham
(d) Fred Joseph

2. Why did Drexel remain a privately-held company?
(a) They did not want outsiders to get in on their business.
(b) It was too much of a temptation for a hostile takeover.
(c) Milken could then retain his need for secrecy.
(d) Joseph refused to allow it to happen.

3. How did Drexel get around the law and continue the takeovers?
(a) by using offshore banks to finance their deals
(b) by using preferred stock instead of bonds as a means of financing
(c) by creating dummy companies to made the acquisitions
(d) by lobbying to get the rules overturned

4. What does FIFI stand for?
(a) Fund Income from Favored Investors
(b) Five Investment Features Initiative
(c) First Investors Fund for Income
(d) Field Investment File Information

5. By 1981, what was Drexel responsible for?
(a) engineering most of the hostile takeovers
(b) leading the field in high interest bonds
(c) moving Wall Street to Los Angeles
(d) almost all of the junk bonds in the market

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the result in 1974 when International Nickel Company raided ESB?

2. Where did most of the money come from when Icahn actually acquired ACF, a railroad car leasing company?

3. What commission did Drexel make on these funds?

4. What is a proxy fight?

5. What did the Federal Home Loan Bank Board discover about what Spiegle at Columbia Savings and Loan was doing?

(see the answer key)

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