The Praise of Folly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Praise of Folly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Folly states that men create art because of a thirst for what?
(a) Wisdom.
(b) Fame.
(c) Money.
(d) Independence.

2. What grows in the place of Folly's birth?
(a) The gardens of Adonis.
(b) Onions.
(c) Butterflies.
(d) The tree of life.

3. Erasmus states that jokes can be handled in such a way that a reader finds more reward in them than in a what?
(a) An argument.
(b) A riddle.
(c) A play.
(d) A treatise.

4. What happens when Folly begins addressing the crowd?
(a) They start jeering.
(b) They become cheerful.
(c) They become mad.
(d) They fall asleep.

5. What does Folly accuse of causing the bloom of youthful beauty to fade?
(a) Mature sense.
(b) Old age.
(c) Folly.
(d) Moral maturity.

Short Answer Questions

1. In criticizing the men of his day, whom does Erasmus name?

2. What does Zeus have to put aside in order to make a child?

3. What does Folly state is necessary for a woman to agree to wedlock?

4. Erasmus follows the well-known popular proverb that states that a man should do what?

5. Erasmus complains that many people find jokes against popes and princes more offensive than what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Folly have a good opinion of the children of wise men?

2. Why did Erasmus dedicate his book to Thomas More?

3. What does Folly say was her effect upon her audience?

4. Why did Erasmus ask More to be a champion of Folly?

5. How does Folly describe her parentage?

6. Why does Folly consider her presence to be essential to friendship?

7. What does Folly say about emotions in relation to wisdom?

8. Where was Erasmus when he was writing The Praise of Folly?

9. How does Folly claim to be responsible for art?

10. Why did Erasmus consider it unjust not to allow relaxations to those in the academic world?

(see the answer keys)

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