The Practice of Poetry Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robin Behn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Practice of Poetry Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robin Behn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Some students used figures such as which politician?
(a) Henry Kissinger.
(b) Richard Nixon.
(c) Joe McCarthy.
(d) JFK.

2. "One's-Self, En Masse" begins with a quote by which famous poet?
(a) Whitman.
(b) Pound.
(c) Dickinson.
(d) Emerson.

3. Students writing about a journey should end up where?
(a) Back in class.
(b) Anywhere it is cold.
(c) An unknown destination.
(d) Home.

4. What tool is the student asked to use to create in this section?
(a) Spoon.
(b) Rubber band.
(c) Crayons.
(d) Hammer.

5. Which item is not in the list of items?
(a) Sympathy.
(b) Rage.
(c) Justice.
(d) Order.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long should one chant?

2. Maura Stanton's character hates what object?

3. In which section are journal entries referred to as a source of material?

4. Using one of the words, the student is encouraged to create what?

5. Exercises in this section give students:

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the process used in "A Journey to Nowhere" by Susan Snively.

2. What is the purpose of "The Unconscious As Gold Mine?"

3. Why does Michael Pettit refer to the work of Walt Whitman?

4. Why are students required to write a serious poem about a tabloid story?

5. What are the two steps required in the exercise in "As/like/Finish the Sentence?"

6. Explain the four abstractions and what students are required to do with them.

7. Explain how acting as a narrator for the famous encounter might change the tone of the finished poem?

8. Explain the technique and purpose behind the exercise in "The Widow."

9. Explain the exercise involving a copy of "The Peasant Wedding" by Bruegel.

10. Why does Rita Dove ask students to use crayons to draw pictures of their homes?

(see the answer keys)

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