The Power of Six Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Pittacus Lore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power of Six Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Pittacus Lore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ella giggling in church?
(a) She is watching an ant.
(b) A caterpillar is amusing her.
(c) One of the nun's habits is inside out.
(d) A dog has gotten into the chuch.

2. What does Marina tell Adelina as she is helping Marina get ready for mass?
(a) About her vision of the girl.
(b) About her vision of John.
(c) About wanting to be someone different.
(d) About wanting to return to Lorien.

3. What does Marina have to do in a few minutes?
(a) Turn in an English paper.
(b) Go to evening prayers.
(c) Go down to the dining hall for dinner.
(d) Talk to the Mother Superior.

4. Why does Six start telling the Mogs what they want to hear?
(a) They figure out a way to torture her.
(b) To save Three's life.
(c) To save Katarina's life.
(d) She never tells them anything.

5. Why does John lift Sam to his shoulder?
(a) The other officer has shot Sam.
(b) The officer had knocked Sam out with his billy club.
(c) Sam has been knocked out by a taser.
(d) Sam's foot is broken and he can't run.

6. What does BK morph into when he lands?
(a) A cat.
(b) A stone.
(c) A bear.
(d) A dog.

7. Where does Marina fall in age in relation to the other orphans?
(a) She and three others are all the same age and are the youngest.
(b) Youngest.
(c) In the middle.
(d) Oldest.

8. What does John ask BK to do with a shirt that they each wiped their faces on?
(a) To bury it.
(b) To drag it in the opposite direction for a couple miles.
(c) To take it through some rigorously difficult terrain.
(d) To fly it up a tree.

9. What choice will Marina have to make when she turns eighteen?
(a) To commit to a life in the church or leave the home.
(b) To return to her own planet and stay on earth.
(c) To commit to a life in the church or stay and help in the orphanage as a lay person.
(d) To go to try and find her brother.

10. What will happen if the cop pulling them over radios in the stop?
(a) The Mogs will hear.
(b) They will have to tie up the cop and run.
(c) Nine may learn where they are.
(d) Reinforcements might arrive and they will be apprehended.

11. Where does Six think her Loric chest is?
(a) In a bank vault.
(b) In a mausoleum.
(c) In a cave.
(d) In a volcano.

12. What is another object inside the chest?
(a) A book about legacies.
(b) A black diamond.
(c) A silver plate.
(d) A red rod.

13. What does Six memorize when she escapes from the Mogs?
(a) The radio frequencies the Mogs used.
(b) The codes the Mogs used in transmitting.
(c) Each face to exact vengeance later.
(d) The location of the cave.

14. Who wakes John?
(a) Six.
(b) An alarm clock.
(c) His brother.
(d) Five.

15. Why does Marina think a man she encounters while looking for Hector is a Mogadorian?
(a) He is reading Pittacus of Mytilene.
(b) He is wearing strange clothing.
(c) He has a transmitter on his wrist.
(d) He has an odd-colored tan.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where did the yellow stone come?

2. What are John and Henri labeled?

3. What does the cop think is in the chest on the floor?

4. What does John throw far away?

5. Where is the motel that Six, John and Bernie Kosar are in right now?

(see the answer keys)

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