The Power of Myth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power of Myth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Jesus go into the the desert?
(a) After his baptism
(b) After he is crucified
(c) Before he is baptised
(d) After he begins preaching his message

2. To whose epiphany writings does Campbell compare his own athletic experience?
(a) Joyce's
(b) Brown's
(c) Moyers's
(d) Byron's

3. In which culture does the deity include both male and female entities?
(a) Oriental
(b) Upanishad
(c) West
(d) Indian

4. What is the name of Campbell's previously published book?
(a) Tales of Love and Marriage
(b) The Hero with a Thousand Faces
(c) The Hero's Adventure
(d) Masks of Eternity

5. Which term best describes the manner in which Campbell and Moyers deal with the knowledge of God and eternity?
(a) Haphazard
(b) No way
(c) Specific
(d) Detailed

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Campbell indicate that role models for society are created?

2. What region has symbols of the bull and boar representing male power?

3. The psychology of love does not affect which of the following in regard to knights?

4. Which type of societies and cultures identified with the Goddess?

5. What influence does Campbell indicate leads to the reemergence of the female figure in the Christian religion?

Short Essay Questions

1. What placed the Goddess as a counterpart to the male God who judges and punishes mankind?

2. In relation to the Neolithic figures that have been unearthed, what issue does Campbell not address?

3. When and with whom did the concept of romantic love originate?

4. What image does Campbell evoke to illustrate what he is trying to convey when he discusses the concept of eternity?

5. What is the Albigensian movement?

6. Who described an expression of metaphysical idea that life is part of one great dream of a single dreamer?

7. By the middle ages, to what were the preponderance of Cathedrals dedicated?

8. What was different about the Semitic and Indo-European invaders and those that they invaded?

9. What does Campbell describe in Chapter 6?

10. The legends of heroes also can describe what besides religions?

(see the answer keys)

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