The Power of Myth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power of Myth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The person who leaves the existing world is embarking on a _____________.
(a) journey
(b) dream quest
(c) spiritual wakening
(d) legend

2. In which culture does the deity include both male and female entities?
(a) West
(b) Indian
(c) Upanishad
(d) Oriental

3. What about life is universally recognized according to Campbell?
(a) God is a man.
(b) Life is created by God.
(c) There is more than one God.
(d) There is existance beyond mankind's cognizance.

4. What is a powerful symbol that appears in all religions and cultures?
(a) Cross
(b) Square
(c) Circle
(d) Star

5. Whose legend does Campbell recall which is in a similar vein to Sir Gawain's legend?
(a) Yahweh
(b) Buddha
(c) Crucifixion
(d) Iroquois legend

6. How is the sunrise depicted by the Goddess Nut in Egypt?
(a) Taking it to the mother earth for renewal
(b) Giving birth to it in the east
(c) Combining it with th emoon
(d) Swallowing it in the west

7. To whose epiphany writings does Campbell compare his own athletic experience?
(a) Byron's
(b) Brown's
(c) Joyce's
(d) Moyers's

8. What two symbols are combined in a powerful union through the Goddess Nut?
(a) Heavenly body and mother earth
(b) Sunrise and sunset
(c) Moon and sun
(d) Mother earth and the goddess

9. Who often arranged for traditional marriage?
(a) Participants
(b) Family
(c) Husband to be
(d) Church

10. The subject of Chapter 5 is in which of the following forms?
(a) Myth
(b) Suprise
(c) Dream
(d) Superhero

11. What did the troubadours become known as?
(a) Love mates
(b) Singers of love
(c) Actors of love
(d) Love doctors

12. The Semitic and Indo-European invaders were mainly what?
(a) Farmers
(b) Gatherers
(c) Hunters and nomads
(d) Stationary hunters

13. Who wrote "The Myth of the Birth of the Hero?"
(a) Campbell
(b) Otto Rank
(c) Tibetan Buddhist monks
(d) Dalai Lama

14. The philosophy of love is grafted onto the underlying saga of whose resistance to the Anglo Saxon invasion of Britian?
(a) Celtic
(b) Albigensian
(c) Arthurian
(d) Troubadours

15. From what does Campbell indicate society must protect itself?
(a) Emotional trauma of not finding true love
(b) Chaos of excessive indulgence
(c) Romantice love
(d) Unconditional love

Short Answer Questions

1. Campbell and Moyers identify the development of the cult of the individual as being important at the _____________________________________.

2. Who formalizes the dogma of Mary being the Mother of God?

3. What is the bo tree known as?

4. To what does Campbell attempt to equate the beginning of the Reformation?

5. Campbell indicates the troubadours and their ideas about love were associated with which movement?

(see the answer keys)

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