The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the Pickwickians go before Pickwick has to go to jail?
(a) Ipswich.
(b) Manor Farm.
(c) Sussex.
(d) Bath.

2. What was Mrs. Bardell doing when she was taken back to London?
(a) Having tea.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Taking a tour.
(d) Eating dinner.

3. What does Mrs. Sanders tell the jury as a witness?
(a) She overheard the proposal.
(b) She heard Pickwick tell someone he wanted cheaper rent.
(c) She heard bad rumors about Mr. Pickwick.
(d) She saw how sad the broken engagement made Mrs. Bardell.

4. How does Jingle feel when he is released from prison?
(a) Unrepentant.
(b) Arrogant.
(c) Beligerant.
(d) None of these.

5. What does Susan leave to Sam in her Will?
(a) 800 pounds.
(b) 200 pounds.
(c) 600 pounds.
(d) 400 pounds.

6. When is Pickwick's trial to be held?
(a) February 22nd.
(b) February 14th.
(c) February 12th.
(d) February 4th.

7. Where does Winkle try to hide when he is locked outside in his nightshirt?
(a) A shed.
(b) A sedan.
(c) A carriage.
(d) A closet.

8. What is the name of Mrs. Bardell's attorney?
(a) Admiral Bizbark.
(b) General Barkbuz.
(c) Captain Barkfiz.
(d) Sergeant Buzfiz.

9. What does Tony do when Stiggins asks if Susan left him anything in her Will?
(a) Gives him the liquor from the cabinet.
(b) Punches him in the face.
(c) Kicks him out into the street.
(d) Gives him a wad of cash.

10. What does Stiggins drink when he asks about Susan's will?
(a) Rum.
(b) Cognac.
(c) Tequilla.
(d) Brandy.

11. How long does Pickwick get to spend in Bath?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 3 months.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 3 weeks.

12. Who was the founder of the place the Pickwickians go before Pickwick has to go to jail?
(a) Queen Victoria.
(b) Queen Elizabeth.
(c) Prince Bladud.
(d) King Henry.

13. What does Sam bring to Pickwick after his first night in prison?
(a) Some food.
(b) Some clothes.
(c) Some brandy.
(d) Some money.

14. What does Tom Roker do for Pickwick in prison?
(a) Changes his room.
(b) Protects his money.
(c) Delivers letters.
(d) Has meaningful conversations.

15. Who lives next door to Arabella?
(a) Bob.
(b) Ruth.
(c) Mary.
(d) Ben.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who breaks up the fight between Ben Allen and the servant?

2. What does Bob tell his secrets about when he runs into Winkle?

3. Who marks the end of Bob Sawyer's party?

4. Where does Pickwick get jobs for Trotter and Jingle?

5. How did Winkle Sr. find out about his son's elopement?

(see the answer keys)

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