The Possibility of Evil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Possibility of Evil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the people in town decide is wrong with Linda Stewart after they realize that she has not had a fight with her boyfriend?
(a) They think that there must be some problem at home.
(b) They think that she is having trouble in school.
(c) They think that she must have argued with her best friend.
(d) They think that she may be experimenting with alcohol.

2. Why does Miss Strangeworth refer to the Cranes' baby as "her highness" (421)?
(a) She is making fun of the possibility that the baby has some kind of developmental problem.
(b) She is trying to make Helen feel better about the baby's problems.
(c) Helen Crane has referred to her as a "princess."
(d) The Cranes are from an even older and more important family than Miss Strangeworth's.

3. What does Helen Crane say she is worried that her daughter should be doing more?
(a) Trying to move around.
(b) Looking around at the world.
(c) Babbling and making speech sounds.
(d) Eating.

4. When Miss Strangeworth gets home from the grocery store, why does she not have the cup of tea she thinks about having?
(a) She had a cup earlier in the day and thinks that a second cup is too indulgent.
(b) She has forgotten to buy tea at the grocery store.
(c) She is too tired and decides to have a nap.
(d) She believes that it will spoil her appetite for her midday meal.

5. Miss Strangeworth thinks that people everywhere are "degraded" (425). What does this mean that she thinks about people?
(a) They can be ranked according to how good or bad they are.
(b) They are easily led into evil actions.
(c) They have fallen below the standards of moral, civilized life.
(d) They try to sneak around and do bad things without getting caught.

6. Helen Crane looks at her baby with "rapt wonder" (421). How is she looking at the baby?
(a) With a focused suspicion.
(b) With all of her attention on something amazing.
(c) With a puzzled, pinched look.
(d) With a startled, questioning look.

7. According to Miss Strangeworth, to whom should Helen apologize?
(a) The baby.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Miss Strangeworth.

8. Why did Miss Strangeworth stop calling Tommy Lewis "Tommy" and start calling him "Mr. Lewis"?
(a) He asked her to marry him and then broke off their engagement.
(b) They had a terrible fight in high school.
(c) It was not usual for adults in this time to use one another's first names.
(d) She thinks that his status as a grocer is beneath her.

9. What word is repeatedly used to describe the day on which the story opens?
(a) "Summery."
(b) "Lovely."
(c) "Golden."
(d) "Mild."

10. What is implied about Miss Strangeworth's choice of the multicolored paper for her notes?
(a) She does not think that her neighbors deserve her really nice stationery.
(b) She wishes that she were more accepted as a "regular person" in the town.
(c) She is trying to make sure that her letters blend in with all of the other letters and notes in town.
(d) She has less money than she pretends to and cannot afford to write so often on the expensive stationery.

11. What kind of flowers does Miss Strangeworth send to the church for the celebration of the new minister's arrival?
(a) Poppies.
(b) Roses.
(c) Carnations.
(d) Gladiolus.

12. When does Miss Strangeworth generally mail her letters?
(a) Around the time the sun sets.
(b) Very early in the morning.
(c) Whenever she sees that there are not a lot of people at the post office.
(d) In the middle of the night.

13. When Linda and Dave are seen together after school, they look "bleak" (422). How do they look?
(a) Cold.
(b) Angry.
(c) Confused.
(d) Hopeless.

14. What literary technique is used when Miss Strangeworth asks Helen if she has upset her husband by pointing out that the baby is " six months old and hasn't yet begun to learn to dance"?
(a) Simile.
(b) Hyperbole.
(c) Personification.
(d) Imagery.

15. Miss Strangeworth thinks that the Cranes are "infatuated" (421). What would this mean is true about the couple?
(a) They have a difficult relationship and often argue.
(b) They are kind people but perhaps not very intelligent.
(c) They are strange people who often seem out of touch with others.
(d) They are in love, in an exaggerated and perhaps foolish way.

Short Answer Questions

1. Linda suggests that since no one in town seems to care about her and Dave, they should not bother to help anyone else. When Dave decides to help anyway, what does it demonstrate?

2. What is the best definition of "proverbial" in the sentence "Miss Strangeworth's hats were proverbial in the town" (426)?

3. What does Miss Strangeworth seem to think her family's place in the world is?

4. What does Miss Strangeworth tell Mr. Lewis that he has forgotten to do?

5. When Miss Strangeworth is walking "daintily" along Main Street, (417), how is she walking?

(see the answer keys)

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